11 May, 2024

The Northern Lights Over New Hampshire

10 May 2024


R. Linda:

While in Ireland, the Northern Lights show up every so often. I have seen a greenish tint to the sky but nothing to write home about or photograph. It was in me mind I'd never seen a really good display. Upon arrival in the New World, there were several times the weather people would predict that New England was prime to see the Northern Lights, but I never saw them and I did stand outside waiting for an appearance I did. The only thing I got for me trouble was a cold and a chill.

Yesterday there was much ado about the solar storm being severe on the level of intensity scale, and by 10 p.m. the scale had reached extreme which made me think I should go outside and see if I can see the lights if that's the case.

Well, behold R. Linda! I got photos! I am sorry two are blurry but I was nearly jumping as excited as I was that I got to see them more fully. I can take this off me bucket list, and there are more predicted for tonight. 

I understand that pink, purple and red are rare to see, and that green and deep blue are usually the norm. So imagine me surprise that I was able to photograph the rare colours. The green was murky later on around midnight when supposedly the intensity of the solar flares was said to progress and the colours were deemed to be magnificent. I didn't see that. From 10 to 11:30 p.m., the sky was deep purple and that flash of red was phenomenal. 

So here for your viewing pleasure are a few photos of what my family witnessed last night. And oh yes, we will be out again tonight to see more hopefully.

Started off with a pink colour

Then a deep purple

The highlight of the night, a red sky


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1 comment:

Fionnula said...

those are nice pics. we saw the green lights but not that much. we see the lights a lot up here, but you have better photos and the other colors are cool