22 January, 2023

Instructions Are On Medicine Labels For A Purpose

 22 January 2023


R. Linda:

Me Mam's old cat has kidney disease, yes she does. And so, me Mam got an appetite stimulant and special canned food for the old gal, who be a skinny representation of her old self. The stimulant is a paste you rub into the cat's ear and voila, instant hungry time. The cat usually lies sedentary in Mam's lap, but on that first day of medicine in the ear, that cat was up every 15 minutes with its face in the food dish. Now when you rub the paste in, you (the human) should wear gloves. Me Mam, more concerned for the cat didn't think why one might do that. Her initial thought was it was a medicine that humans should not have on them, so wash their hands. It says on the instructions to wear latex gloves when applying medication. She forgot or was too busy.

On what was the second day of application I noticed me Mam's behaviour had become very busy in the kitchen. Because of the storm we had, Mam had cooked up a storm of her own and I thought that was nice of her until I noticed she was eating as much as she cooked! I even joked at her that perhaps she had a tapeworm and should have her wee self checked out, I did.

This outrageous appetite of hers went on all day into the night. At three in the morn, I came down to someone banging around the kitchen (thinking it was Sean), to find me grey-haired, apple-cheeked little Mam feasting, yes R. Linda, feasting on leftovers! She AND the cat who was eating a 6th supper. I went back to bed thinking it would have been nice if she had left at least one slice of the gigantic cheesecake she had made for moi.

Just look at the size of this thing, she ate almost all of it but what she shared after dinner

The next morning I was walking passed her and saw she was applying the medicine to the cat. I noticed she wasn't wearing gloves. She finished and went to the sink to wash her hands. Apparently, that isn't enough one needs as a barrier. 

"Aha!" I said. "That explains YOUR appetite taking off. You need to wear gloves or no amount of washing up is going to remove that paste from YOU."

She looked stunned. She started nodding as realisation dawned. 

All day long she tried to combat her strong urge to raid the refrigerator. She even asked me to tell Sean to get a big chain with a lock to put around the doors. I wasn't about to do that, so I guarded the fridge the entire day and it was a struggle, not to sit there and guard, but pry her hands off the door handles while she kicked at me shins to get me out of her way. 

So let that be a lesson when applying appetite stimulant to your cat's ear, wear gloves or you will be very sorry when you get on the scale and see you have gained more weight than you ever thought possible!


Copyright © 2023 All rights reserved


Hughes said...

And the car? Is it a fat fur ball now? LMAO I am guessing that the chain and lock was a no-go on your part because that would keep you out of the food box as well, hum? LOL

Fionnula said...

poor kitty I'm keeping my fingers crossed she improves. as to your mother, oh my LOL

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Hughes I assume you meant the cat not the car, don't you love spellcheck? Of course, the chain and lock would keep me from the fridge and I do like me food. LOL