10 January, 2021

An Attempt to Lighten the Mood

10 January 2021


R. Linda:

I am always scratching the surface to see what is underneath a situation to find the humour and therefore, the lesson in a situation. With such dark days surrounding us and the unknown before us, things can get quite scary. Not being a person who buys into scary unless it be Halloween, I tend to pull a laugh out of whatever it may be, and analyse as I go.

I, like most, have seen the news and like some, have gleaned some sarcastic smiles or more like smirks from what I've read or in some cases the photos that show up.

To lighten the load (so to speak) and because the sun is out and me mood be much improved from the last time I wrote, I thought I'd share a couple of Internet funnies from other people that gave me a ray of hope the humour (albeit sarcastic), at least removed some of the darkness.

With no further ado, here are a few comments on social media that gave me a smile. These were all sent to me so no clue who to credit.

The image here be exactly what a lot of people think of the "mob." Especially enlightening was when the "mob" breached the Capitol building and there were a number of people standing around asking, "What do we do now?" 

Then there was this sent to me:

You've probably seen the above. If you go to this Twitter account you will find many, many, responses to the idea of it. Most are very appropriate. But could this happen? See below:

Or even this:

Though it is said, Trump did say when he saw Jakie here, that he was embarrassed to see such "white trash" mobbing the Capitol in his name. However, those not in costume were ok. This makes the photo above more interesting in light of all that was said.

Uh-huh, the best for last, or not:

It has been very hard to write about the mundane and funny of everyday life at home with all this other going on. I hope to be less political and back to meself soon. That's it from here.


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1 comment:

Fionnula said...

this makes me nervous. I hope people don't think moving on a government building is something to be proud of for all the wrong reasons. thanks for lightening the mood but still nervous over this.