07 January, 2021

What Is Wrong With Some People?

07 January 2021


R. Linda:

This is not the way I wanted to start the New Year on the blog. BUT . .  . I try me darnedest not to comment on things political here in these pages, and sometimes I fail because whatever it is affects me personally and well . . . it is hard not to say a word and act like a sheep.

Someone wrote: 

"I'd like to cancel my Subscription to 2021. I've experienced the free 7-day trail, and I'm not interested."

That's how I feel. Just sayin'.

I never thought I'd experience a pandemic, let alone a breach of a federal building during working hours, in a country known for its democracy and freedoms. I have never been a fan of the current administration. However, I hold out hope that what this administration has done to wreck a great country can be fixed and put back together by the next one. 

My primary concern is that we have a madman in the White House for another 13 dangerous days, and those people who thought a field trip to the Capitol building was well worth their travels have not gone home and may now be revamping for the 20th of January.

I hope I am wrong.


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1 comment:

Tomas said...

I hope you are wrong too but who can say? The unthinkable has happened and here we are and that's everyone from this country and overseas. Makes the Northern Ireland problems looks small in comparison.