11 December 2019
R. Linda:
'Tis the season to go shopping, ha ha ha ha, ha-ha-ha-ha!
For me, it's the season to be driven crazier which isn't a far drive at this juncture. I have had the cold from hell. It won't go away. Been to the doctor's and was told to ride it out; it is on the downside. This started on Thanksgiving, and as of today, I still have a wee bit of a cough, and the congestion isn't as bad as it was. Yes, I got a flu shot and no, it wasn't the flu. It is a full-fledged head cold.
Anyway, I was home -- a lot! Because every time I'd go to my office, I'd be hacking me head off, sneezing like a champ and generally thought to be spreading germs. Being at home, I became somewhat stir-crazy. I couldn't move around because I'd have what me Mam referred to as an episode. I'd get up, which stirred up the congestion because I'd start to cough, sneeze between the coughing, and then choke. Happened to me three times, which was three times too many.
The second time, Mam handed me some warm tea and told me to drink it; it would keep me from choking, but all that did was add a fourth problem, drowning. I tell ya!
Learning my lesson that moving around wasn't going to break up the cold, I decided to do me Christmas shopping online. Most of the sweet deals were on Amazon.com. I spent a few days at this and, being a Prime customer was assured of two-day delivery at the very best. How did that work out for you, Gabriel? I'll tell ya how it worked out.
The first delivery was nothing more than me ordering shelled pumpkin seeds because Mam told me some old wives' tale about how the seeds help with colds. I know I be a sucker for a good story. Anyway, I got a notice on my phone that me shipment had arrived with a photo of the package. I had to look twice because the photo showed the package nestled against a garage door . . . someone else's garage door. I had notta clue where that particular garage was. So I got into an Amazon chat and told the rep what happened. She suggested I take a flashlight and go to my immediate neighbour's garages on either side and see if the offending package was there.
Now, wait a blasted minute. I live on almost 9 acres, most of it woods. I can't see either of my neighbour's homes because they live on as many acres as me if not more. So I'd be walking through the dark woods trying to locate me neighbour's garages in almost 30' of the frozen white stuff. I don't think so. Besides, the garage door in the photo was grey; the house on me left was yellow with white trim, and the one on me right was a brick affair with brown garage doors. So no.
I got a refund right then and there, and still no sign of the pumpkin seeds.
Two days ago, I ordered dill pickle-flavoured peanuts and pickle-flavoured candy canes to go with a Mr. Pickle tee shirt and a pair of very nice socks with pickles on them. Don't get excited. I haven't lost what is left of me, mind either. This be for our Yankee swap. I have the socks, the rest I ordered from Amazon. I got a delivery notice that part of the delivery had arrived two nights ago when we had high winds and 29" of snow. I was impressed with the Amazon delivery person because my own U.S. postal carrier didn't deliver mail that day. I went out hacking my fool head off looking for said package and couldn't find it. I went inside with a fever and chills while I consulted my phone for the delivery photo. There was none! WHAT?
Mam was giving me Irish flack over being outside and making meself sicker over pickle products (she knew what I bought because it was her idea). I got online to chat with Amazon customer service and the rep told me that my order was jumped. The driver jumped the delivery. What does that mean? I asked and was told they probably accidentally clicked it was delivered, so I should give them until tomorrow to see if it arrives. Okay, fair enough.
The next day, nothing. It rained, and by nightfall, you couldn't see two inches in front of your face. So I thought the weather was the problem, BUT I got online to chat again with customer service with Marie Paula. Once again, I told my sad story, and once again, I was told it was out for delivery and would arrive around 10 at night. I told the woman there was no visibility outside, and I found her timetable unlikely, if not dangerous, that the driver would slide off my icy driveway IF he could find it in the woods in the first place and end up in the pond sight unseen. She didn't blink is what you can say. So, the parting shot was if the package didn't arrive, get in touch . . . tomorrow!
Today, it was the same thing, but today, it was 54 degrees, and the snow was pretty much melted on the driveway, walkways, the roof, and we had flooding. Otherwise, it be a slushy mess, but warm! This would have been the day for deliveries, no excuses, especially if the delivery was coming by boat, but a good pair of waders would do, too. I got back on with Amazon customer service and got Marie Christina, Marie Paula's sister perhaps, only to be told my package was lost or missing. Well, that was new. Last night, the delivery driver had it, and today, it's gone! How does that work? Why don't I reorder and they will refund the other order. Why don't YOU refund first, and then I reorder, I said. Even better, why don't you pack up another order and send it to me?
Oh, we can't do that, I was told. "We can expedite your order, though. So, Mr. O'Sullivan, if you reorder, I will issue a refund that you will see in your account in 5 to 7 business days. I will also give you a $5 gift certificate for your trouble and make the second order free."
Now, how does that work?
As I saw it, I was paying for another order, plus the one I already had, no refund for a week on the lost order, but somehow, me second order was free even though I paid for it. And the $5 gift certificate I was told had been issued, yet I did not see it in me account. Hum! Let's just think about Prime free delivery, shall we? What happened to that?
"Put me on with your supervisor, please," I said to her, and suddenly, SUDDENLY R. Linda, I was told my refund was being processed, and I could always reorder if I wanted to. No, it was too late; I wasn't doing that because there was no guarantee I'd get that order, and here I'd be back with Marie Someone again.
She couldn't understand why I wouldn't pay for a second order or order a second order. So she put me on with someone else who told me the refund was done, they were sorry about the missing package, and would I take a survey?
I said, "You don't want me to take a survey. You really, really don't." I was about to copy the entire ridiculous conversation when suddenly it disappeared, and the survey appeared. The rep's name was Tin C - who was Tin C? I was speaking with Marie Christina . . . or was I? I couldn't fault that I got the refund because as I sat there looking at the survey questions me mailbox rang that I had Amazon mail and it was a refund! ONLY get this, the refund wasn't to my bank account where it originally started from, but in the form of a GIFT CARD! And the refund was for what I paid for, there was no extra $5 gratuity. So when I got to the box that said COMMENTS, I explained how dissatisfied I was with Amazon delivery and what they could do about it.
I have six more deliveries from Amazon. Uh-huh, and possibly six more chats with customer service. The company has grown to mega proportions, and this delivery stuff should be a snap by now. I was booted off the feedback section when I got a delivery that was supposed to be two days and was more like a week and a half. I expressed me displeasure and the next thing I know, I am told I was off feedback because I used the word "sucked."
No getting in touch to ask me what they could do to make it all better, no, no, let's throw him off the feedback sections WHICH was a godsend because I hate having to spend more time thinking what to write for feedback. So now I wait and see if any of my orders arrive or are delivered to that grey garage or end up lost or missing (which, to me, is the same thing).
I will end with the fact that while I did not get a package, Tonya did at 5 in the afternoon, and Mam did at 7 at night. Where I live, you'd think there would be one driver, not two or more. OR, did the same driver drop off Tonya's package and then, because the orders were in no particular order, come back with me Mam's at 7? If this be the case, something stinks in Denmark.
R. Linda:
'Tis the season to go shopping, ha ha ha ha, ha-ha-ha-ha!
For me, it's the season to be driven crazier which isn't a far drive at this juncture. I have had the cold from hell. It won't go away. Been to the doctor's and was told to ride it out; it is on the downside. This started on Thanksgiving, and as of today, I still have a wee bit of a cough, and the congestion isn't as bad as it was. Yes, I got a flu shot and no, it wasn't the flu. It is a full-fledged head cold.
Anyway, I was home -- a lot! Because every time I'd go to my office, I'd be hacking me head off, sneezing like a champ and generally thought to be spreading germs. Being at home, I became somewhat stir-crazy. I couldn't move around because I'd have what me Mam referred to as an episode. I'd get up, which stirred up the congestion because I'd start to cough, sneeze between the coughing, and then choke. Happened to me three times, which was three times too many.
The second time, Mam handed me some warm tea and told me to drink it; it would keep me from choking, but all that did was add a fourth problem, drowning. I tell ya!
Learning my lesson that moving around wasn't going to break up the cold, I decided to do me Christmas shopping online. Most of the sweet deals were on Amazon.com. I spent a few days at this and, being a Prime customer was assured of two-day delivery at the very best. How did that work out for you, Gabriel? I'll tell ya how it worked out.
The first delivery was nothing more than me ordering shelled pumpkin seeds because Mam told me some old wives' tale about how the seeds help with colds. I know I be a sucker for a good story. Anyway, I got a notice on my phone that me shipment had arrived with a photo of the package. I had to look twice because the photo showed the package nestled against a garage door . . . someone else's garage door. I had notta clue where that particular garage was. So I got into an Amazon chat and told the rep what happened. She suggested I take a flashlight and go to my immediate neighbour's garages on either side and see if the offending package was there.
Now, wait a blasted minute. I live on almost 9 acres, most of it woods. I can't see either of my neighbour's homes because they live on as many acres as me if not more. So I'd be walking through the dark woods trying to locate me neighbour's garages in almost 30' of the frozen white stuff. I don't think so. Besides, the garage door in the photo was grey; the house on me left was yellow with white trim, and the one on me right was a brick affair with brown garage doors. So no.
I got a refund right then and there, and still no sign of the pumpkin seeds.
Two days ago, I ordered dill pickle-flavoured peanuts and pickle-flavoured candy canes to go with a Mr. Pickle tee shirt and a pair of very nice socks with pickles on them. Don't get excited. I haven't lost what is left of me, mind either. This be for our Yankee swap. I have the socks, the rest I ordered from Amazon. I got a delivery notice that part of the delivery had arrived two nights ago when we had high winds and 29" of snow. I was impressed with the Amazon delivery person because my own U.S. postal carrier didn't deliver mail that day. I went out hacking my fool head off looking for said package and couldn't find it. I went inside with a fever and chills while I consulted my phone for the delivery photo. There was none! WHAT?
Mam was giving me Irish flack over being outside and making meself sicker over pickle products (she knew what I bought because it was her idea). I got online to chat with Amazon customer service and the rep told me that my order was jumped. The driver jumped the delivery. What does that mean? I asked and was told they probably accidentally clicked it was delivered, so I should give them until tomorrow to see if it arrives. Okay, fair enough.
The next day, nothing. It rained, and by nightfall, you couldn't see two inches in front of your face. So I thought the weather was the problem, BUT I got online to chat again with customer service with Marie Paula. Once again, I told my sad story, and once again, I was told it was out for delivery and would arrive around 10 at night. I told the woman there was no visibility outside, and I found her timetable unlikely, if not dangerous, that the driver would slide off my icy driveway IF he could find it in the woods in the first place and end up in the pond sight unseen. She didn't blink is what you can say. So, the parting shot was if the package didn't arrive, get in touch . . . tomorrow!
Today, it was the same thing, but today, it was 54 degrees, and the snow was pretty much melted on the driveway, walkways, the roof, and we had flooding. Otherwise, it be a slushy mess, but warm! This would have been the day for deliveries, no excuses, especially if the delivery was coming by boat, but a good pair of waders would do, too. I got back on with Amazon customer service and got Marie Christina, Marie Paula's sister perhaps, only to be told my package was lost or missing. Well, that was new. Last night, the delivery driver had it, and today, it's gone! How does that work? Why don't I reorder and they will refund the other order. Why don't YOU refund first, and then I reorder, I said. Even better, why don't you pack up another order and send it to me?
Oh, we can't do that, I was told. "We can expedite your order, though. So, Mr. O'Sullivan, if you reorder, I will issue a refund that you will see in your account in 5 to 7 business days. I will also give you a $5 gift certificate for your trouble and make the second order free."
Now, how does that work?
As I saw it, I was paying for another order, plus the one I already had, no refund for a week on the lost order, but somehow, me second order was free even though I paid for it. And the $5 gift certificate I was told had been issued, yet I did not see it in me account. Hum! Let's just think about Prime free delivery, shall we? What happened to that?
"Put me on with your supervisor, please," I said to her, and suddenly, SUDDENLY R. Linda, I was told my refund was being processed, and I could always reorder if I wanted to. No, it was too late; I wasn't doing that because there was no guarantee I'd get that order, and here I'd be back with Marie Someone again.
She couldn't understand why I wouldn't pay for a second order or order a second order. So she put me on with someone else who told me the refund was done, they were sorry about the missing package, and would I take a survey?
I said, "You don't want me to take a survey. You really, really don't." I was about to copy the entire ridiculous conversation when suddenly it disappeared, and the survey appeared. The rep's name was Tin C - who was Tin C? I was speaking with Marie Christina . . . or was I? I couldn't fault that I got the refund because as I sat there looking at the survey questions me mailbox rang that I had Amazon mail and it was a refund! ONLY get this, the refund wasn't to my bank account where it originally started from, but in the form of a GIFT CARD! And the refund was for what I paid for, there was no extra $5 gratuity. So when I got to the box that said COMMENTS, I explained how dissatisfied I was with Amazon delivery and what they could do about it.
I have six more deliveries from Amazon. Uh-huh, and possibly six more chats with customer service. The company has grown to mega proportions, and this delivery stuff should be a snap by now. I was booted off the feedback section when I got a delivery that was supposed to be two days and was more like a week and a half. I expressed me displeasure and the next thing I know, I am told I was off feedback because I used the word "sucked."
No getting in touch to ask me what they could do to make it all better, no, no, let's throw him off the feedback sections WHICH was a godsend because I hate having to spend more time thinking what to write for feedback. So now I wait and see if any of my orders arrive or are delivered to that grey garage or end up lost or missing (which, to me, is the same thing).
I will end with the fact that while I did not get a package, Tonya did at 5 in the afternoon, and Mam did at 7 at night. Where I live, you'd think there would be one driver, not two or more. OR, did the same driver drop off Tonya's package and then, because the orders were in no particular order, come back with me Mam's at 7? If this be the case, something stinks in Denmark.
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This works! If only we could return to snail mail, it would get here faster. |
Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved
Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved
That is one lonely mailbox. I too feel your pain Gabe. Many a time I have gone to my neighbours to either give over or pick up a misdirected package. I have not had the lost package experience and feel bad for you. The loss of pickled peanuts is quite a blow, LMAO. I cannot imagine.
ReplyDeleteNow you're mocking me and on me day off too!
DeleteGood god pickled peanuts? Ugh, however, make a great Yule present for Weasil. You might think about that if you end up with them.
ReplyDeleteThanks that's a great idea!
DeleteHey Gabe, I thought with the new granddaughter arriving I was losing my mind with not being able to post. I plan on catching up on your stories. Let me know if this posts!
ReplyDeleteUh Dew, I received your comment, LOL
DeleteThat's what you get for living out in the middle of nowhere add to that an area with many snow storms. LOL I love Amazon it be me saving grace! Pickled peanuts I have never heard of. I have heard of cotton candy flavoured grapes either but I tasted them and well, they exist! Who knew?
ReplyDeleteI be not the only one living out in the tundra (not mentioning any names but it's obvious when they buy gigantic snow blowers). I haven't seen the cotton candy grapes, I rather thought pickled peanuts a grand choice of almost edible delights for a yankee swap.
Deleteyour mailbox needs a big red bow on it. not be around because like you we've been shovelling snow and also like you we've had colds. ah chew!