29 October, 2019

Playing Head Games With The Wife

29 October 2019

R. Linda:

Okay, so I use pencils. Yes, I be one of the only adults I know who does. In me abode it is me and the six-year-old and no one else. I catch flack for it by EVERYONE including the six-year-old who accuses me of taking his pencils, "That I need fur school, Da!" Yup.

I use pencils for crosswords, YES, I BE ONE OF THOSE! I be always erasing words that don't fit or just aren't right and well, I enjoy the process be all I can say for meself. This use of graphite has, of course, had me invest in a pencil sharpener, an electric one. I've had the machine for years and it seems that only recently the wife has decided it be not her duty to empty the shavings.

I never thought about that process because the shavings drawer always seemed to be magically emptied. Ner' a thought I tell ya! When something be automatically done for years, one expects it to continue right? Well, in me case wrong!

I went to sharpen me pencil for a particularly difficult crossword and there under the sharper was a note! A note for the first time regarding the emptying of the shavings drawer! It was from TW (short for THE Wife (which be how I have her on me contacts list)) and it said THIS:

THE Wife left me "It does not empty itself! Check Drawer"

To which I wrote back "Wife empties it!" And I sharpened me pencil and went away to do me crossword.

 I came back to see the drawer pulled out after I had sharpened me pencil several times.

I pushed the drawer back in, sharpened me pencil again and left, drawer still out and full and not thinking much of it. Then I came back for one last sharpening to find THIS:

Nice, eh?

She decided to turn the machine upside down to make her point.

OKAY, POINT TAKEN. I will TRY to remember to empty the drawer but old habits die hard TONYA!

Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved


mobit22 said...

ROFLMAO funny and a good one Tonya! I do hundreds of crosswords a year but I use erasable pen. I spend a ton on crossword books and have been for years. It's one thing I can find in larger print for my bad left eye. Keep a trash can next to your sharpener so the wife doesn't dump the shavings. LOL

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

The bin is there anytime she wants to dump them.😁

mobit22 said...

You enjoy conflict don't you? LMAO you're gonna lose! Get erasable pens I'm telling you. No more shavings to dump and no more conflict. I think you enjoy being bossy. So let me know who wins.

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

I don’t enjoy conflict but isn’t there a grandfather law if TW empties the shavings she should continue to empty the shavings?

Fionnula said...

lol divorce or empty the drawer? you're choice.