07 May, 2018

Hotel O'Sullivan

07 May 2018

R. Linda:

In the course of running a hotel with resident guests which include me cousin and dragon-in-law, the wife decided she needed a raise. I was of a mind this wasn't a good time to ask for one, because with education funding in the state, it isn't like there be extra money for raises. But she was determined to at least try so we can keep the hotel running efficiently.

In the interim she went to the hairdressers for a new "do" because she was tired of the straight look and so came home with an interesting look called the peek-a-boo. She had red ends dyed into the underside of her hair and I was rather astonished she'd go for that. She's rather a soccer mom type so to step outside the box be unusual.

"You think Matt (the school super) will notice?" She said fingering the red tips.

"Well . . . I sure do, but then I . . . " I didn't know what to say, maybe I should have said, for sure he'd notice why did you do that NOW? But instead I let me voice trail off with a shrug.

"Ok well, I just hope he doesn't mind non-conformists like me." And off she went with a flip of the red tips.

"I'm sure he won't," I muttered shaking me head thinking the opposite.

I think Tonya be somewhat frazzled with all the relatives in the house. She had just got used to me Mam moving in, then her mother who drives her up a pole comes for too frequent long stays, and now me cousin Sean, who doesn't do much to help out, moves in. His usual answer when asked to help be, "I need to be stepping off now, I be." I counter with, "Sean, I think it be time to join Uber, I do." I will say the Dragon does help, and me Mam be a household workaholic, but when it comes to Sean, well, you'd think he was the squire of the estate you would.

I think too, Tonya hasn't got the attention she is used to from the kiddos. They take the battle for their affections between their grandmother's very seriously and play the two of them off against each other, leaving their mother in a lurch so to speak. Add to this, the novelty of cousin Sean, and well, the poor woman has definitely taken a backseat.

Then there be me, the constant peacekeeper (or at least I try to be) who spends his time breaking up the grandmother wars and trying to convince me cousin to get a job AND a place of his own. I must tell you this, Sean lives in his camper out back. That unfortunately, frees up a room for Dragon when she over stays, but still there are camp grounds and trailer parks, so why not go there instead of being the eyesore I see first thing I get up from me bedroom window. I tell ya!

"Ooh ye whorie too mooch aboot Sean, one day you'll see he'll do da Irish goodbye an' you won't notice for a month he picked up an' left, ya won't dare Gabriel." Me Mam assures me this will happen. Let's see it's been how many months going on a year that has not happened? I won't be holding me breath.

Last weekend Sean was regaling me over me morning breakfast the advantages of going with E Harmony to find a girlfriend.

"'E Harmony -- making New Years resolutions? Well, E Harmony can help with one." He read.

"Wait a minutes, it isn't New Years." I pointed out.

"I noo dis be an old advert, but it says here, 'Now through Tuesday on eharmony.com you can check out our matches and message them for free. That's right you can message your matches for free.'"

I looked at him and shook me head, but that didn't stop him.

"This bloke says, 'Before E Harmony I was meeting girls through friends and I just didn't meet the quality in girls that I was looking for. I am so thankful for E Harmony, the calibre was a lot higher.'"

"Sounds like an advert for expensive call girls the way he puts that." I grunted.

"Wots wrong wit dat? Da President dates porn stars."

"Ye got a point dare Sean, ya do." It be stuff like this drives me up a pole.

Just this morn he said he was "stepping out" after I came in and asked what help he would be to me Mam this day, and of course she was no help calling after him to "Don't spend up Sean." AS IF! "Bob on there Sean!" I yelled after him annoyed.

"Eee's still tryin' ta find emself, I be sure dare be sumthin' out dare." Me Mam quipped.

Meanwhile, the Dragon was complaining New Hampshire weather had curtailed her visits up here. "Snow, snow and more snow! Does it never stop?" She had complained. Tonya did inform her that "Spring in New Hampshire is a relative term." Oh yes it is. Add to this me Mam comes in and informs us the boyos have built a really nice "fart" outside. Well, I knew what she meant but Dragon was looking at her over her half glasses like she didn't hear her right. "Fort, snow fort." I pronounced for her and relief spread over her face with a silent thank you.

Last Friday Tonya met with her boss who couldn't stop looking at her shoulders. She couldn't fathom why but I knew, yes I did, those red tips where resting there and he probably wondered what was wrong with her, she'd do that to herself. To be honest a few of the other elementary teachers are sporting that same peek-a-boo thing with purple or blue tips. I don't get it. Needless to say, things didn't go well and she wonders why.

I be going into work and I be subject (as I get me gear together ), to the newspaper headline reading courtesy of Dragon, "Oh look here it says Princess Kate gave birth to a boot! What? Are the Brit's losing it?" I looked over her shoulder and read, Princess Kate gave birth to a boy! Geez Louise! Then me Mam be telling Dragon she be taking the "cartons" down to wash for spring cleaning and would Dragon get the ones in the kitchen down for her.

"Cartons? I don't see any cartons? Why would she want to wash cartons?" Dragon said to me all full of confused consternation.

"CURTAINS, the things on the windows, she be from Ireland she has an accent." I said pointing to the window CURTAINS.

The snow has finally stopped, but the rain and wind have taken over. We have one or two days of partly sunny weather before it gets gloomy. At least there be no fog, so Dragon was able to catch her flight out and I be Dragon free for a short time. But Sean be here still, he's complaining Game of Thrones wasn't on this April and hasn't stopped yammering about it a month later. I told him a new game of thrones was set for 19 May if he cared to get up very early to view it. I told him it was a whole day event and he's all excited. I didn't tell him it's the Harry Megan wedding, but ask me if I care.

Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved


  1. i am glad sean is an O'Sullivan and not an O'Connor. he is right? as to the red tipping, uh no not a good idea when going for a raise and seems like a need for attention to do that. sorry but...

  2. Yes to red tipping! LOL as for crazy house.not so much
