10 September, 2013

Bloody Awful Attack On Alaskan Mayor

10 September 2013

R. Linda:

There doesn't come to many mayors of cities an assassination attempt on their mayoral lives. I don't know of any in recent memory, but there have been protests where the citizens line up with placards and bullhorns, either quietly or loudly protesting something they don't like the mayor of their fair city has done, or not done as the case can be and often is. However, an assassination attempt by one factor I think was taking protest a wee bit too far. And the problem was I think one can say, a bit of a racist, ethnic thing, though some think politically motivated, but there is also the fact the mayor is a ginger-haired individual, and I think it not so much what the mayor did or did not do, it was what the mayor was and the colour of his hair that incited an attempt on his life. I tell ya!

It seems the mayor was only an honorary mayor so that in itself is going way too far. The powers that would be held by that office were in name only and so the mayor was guilty of doing nothing but being honorary and let's leave it at that. Certainly, no reason to be set upon and set upon he was, he is currently in hospital recuperating from a fractured sternum (I can only think the takedown was hard) and a punctured lung!

The mayor, one Ginger Tom Stubbs has been put through three hours of intensive surgery! A spokeswoman for the mayor, Lauri Stec told local station KTUU that, "Right now they have him very heavily sedated because he's in so much pain. They probably won't pull the chest tubes until tomorrow." CHEST TUBES? Oh, can this get any worse?

She said further that plans are in the making to file a report against the perpetrator and "As far as I'm concerned, he needs to go away." Probably permanently or at the very least for a long, long time!

The Mayor was well enough to dictate a statement on his Facebook page, a thank you of sorts. It says: "Thank you everyone, for your well wishes during my recovery.

"While at this point in time, it is impossible to know whether my attack was politically motivated, I do hope the government will seriously consider providing me with some Secret Service protection in the future to assist in preserving my remaining 8 lives.

"I am thankful for the opportunity to continue leading the great town of Talkeetna (Alaska) onwards to brighter tomorrows."


As to the perp, I have no information where that individual is currently residing at the moment. But I do have a picture of Mayor Ginger Tom Stubbs courtesy of his Facebook page.

Mayor Stubbs resting as comfortably as possible at the Big Lake-Susitna Veterinary Hospital,  Talkeetna, Alaska

Mayor Stubbs (it is said) will survive the assassination attempt by the dog (and I mean that quite literally) who viciously set upon his ginger-haired self all on a Saturday night!

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved


Anonymous said...

It has come to this has it? LOL

Maggie said...

LOL!!! You had me until I got to the "eight lives" line and got suspicious. I cheated and scrolled down in the off chance there was a photo of "the mayor". You are a demented gentleman, and a clever one.

mobit22 said...


You had me going until the picture!

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Yes, yes it has. ;-)~

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Nice to see I had two of you going, LOL, and yes, I be very pleased with me bad self.

Fionnula said...

ha ha, funny man.