09 February, 2013

BLIZZARD 2013 - Buried in New Hampshire

09 1/2 February 2013

R. Linda:

I'd like to say at 10:52 a.m. the snow has stopped, but it hasn't. It is blowing around causing one to get smacked in the face by thousands of tiny ice crystals when one least expects it. It is also hard to walk through and shovelling? That's a joke. Backbreaking that would be. I noticed my neighbour had shovelled a small path about an hour ago, and now it's gone like it had never been there.

I opened the garage door for the dog this morning and she stood there like, "Really? You never expect me to go first. YOU break the path and I'll follow." And that's exactly what happened. I tell ya I get no respect from even me dog!

So here are the latest pictures, you can see how things picked up overnight.

I woke up to this:
Hopefully, I won't have to open the window
Built up a bit from the night before I'd say
Stonewall covered
I opened the garage and the dog was like - WHAT'S THIS?

So there you have it, over 2 feet of snow. Blizzard of 2013 in southern New Hampshire! You probably won't hear from me for weeks, so be prepared. I think my new hobby has to do with a shovel. I will say not a flicker of power failure, so the power company is getting good at this now. That to me is simply amazing because with one drop of rain, the power goes out. One snowflake, the power goes out. With one puff of wind, Gabe is sitting in the dark! So BRAVO power company! Of course, the weather people should be taken out and made to shovel all the white stuff once again, yelling to one and all "This storm is historic! Many power outages are expected! People and homes are in danger of heavy damage! FLOODING! DO NOT drive on the roads they are GREASY!" Yes, that last word, "greasy" is how they say the roads are icy. "The roads are greasy, so watch out!" When I first heard that I was like, WHAT? Anyway, that's it. I'm done, going to get a hot cup of joe and covertly hide the shovel and then lock meself in a closet where I can't be made to break my back in the windy white stuff exercise of taking great heaps and throwing it in another great heap, as the wind drifts it back! YES, lovely way NOT to spend Saturday!

Oh, and just so you know, there is no mail service in the six New England states. I will say our road hasn't been ploughed yet and it is impassable. I sure hope I don't put a nail through my hand and have to go to emergency. Remember that? (See blog entry 10 May 2010 Getting Nailed - Quite Literally)

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved


Maggie said...

Interesting series of photographs. They give a real sense of the snowfall. I can't say I blame your dog for not wanting to go out in the deep drifts though. ;)

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Oh come on Maggie, don't side with that dog. She has it better than I do.

Dew said...

Careful Gabe. You mentioned dog and cup of Joe in the same story! Lol. You'll give yourself nightmares You do have floss in the house don't you? Lolol

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

You know I had blanked that from me mind and YOU have brought it all back. Oi!

mobit22 said...

only snowed one day here. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!LMAO
I thought I might have to hurt you!