09 February, 2013

The fun . . . I mean blizzard continues

09 February 2013

R. Linda:

Well, made an evening of watching Downton Abbey Season 2. Ask me if I'm still sane. I started to wonder if it was a marathon race which would finish first, the blizzard or the telly series. The blizzard has won! On the good side, the power hasn't gone off, OR maybe that wasn't so good, I wouldn't have had to sit through 20 episodes all in one night! But the snow has piled up. So without any further ado, I shall say nothing more but grace this page with SNOW. LOTS OF IT.

But first, what was it the Weasil said to me before this all started? He said, "An honest plate o' haggis, neeps an' tatties, wi a wee dram a whisky intae the haggis, makes it tasty fer a snowy nite. Wid dae jist fine!" Yes, maybe he's doing just fine but I be haggis free!
6:00 p.m.  
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
10:00 p.m.
10:30 p.m. and still going

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Dew said...

Lol. I'm on season two of Downton Abbey also.

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

We finished it. Stayed up to 2 a.m. so we can be done. AND you want to know the reason why? Because Tonya thought I needed to be caught up. Unbeknown to her, I catnap through it, or maybe that's why she got the series to view. Hum, I hadn't thought of that.

mobit22 said...

never seen Downton Abbey, never want to!LOL

I'll use alcohol to knock myself out.LOL
lovely snow. the trick to getting doggy out the door first is to pick her up and toss her into the yard, makes a dandy path.LMAO

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

She weighs over 50 lbs. so picking her up and tossing her isn't an option. She'd do better picking me up and tossing me in the white stuff.