25 January, 2012

When ya gotta go, ya gotta go

25 January 2012

R. Linda:

Yesterday, Tonya dropped the boyos off after work at her friend's house, so she could go to a book club meeting since yours truly wasn't going to be home in time. I was to have me dinner in peace and then go pick them up. This I did, and I must say if only she could find a babysitter for the two dogs, me peaceful dinner would have been a joy. Instead of kiddos shouting and throwing their food, or refusing to eat and whining about it, I had two slobbering dogs sitting on either side of me at attention, watching each morsel of food go from my plate to my mouth. Occasionally there would be the noisy, slobbery sound of licking doggy chops as if in anticipation a morsel was coming their way. I tell ya, I can't eat in peace EVER unless I be in the broom closet at work! Don't ask.

So I went to Carol's (Tonya's friend), and while I was getting LaGuardia in his coat I was told O'Hare was in the bathroom. Once out I got O'Hare in his coat, LaGuardia said he had to go. Got him out of his coat and off he went. He came back, and the other one said he had to go. I said, ''You just went!'' and he said, ''Yeah, well I gotter go again!''

Oi, so twenty minutes later, and five more bathroom trips between the two of them and one scene where Carol's son William needed to go and couldn't use the bathroom because one of mine was in there, I finally got them to the car. I was perplexed, what on earth had Carol fed the three boyos? She looked as concerned as me!

Halfway home I get, ''Da! Da! I gotta go,'' and I said, ''But you just went a thousand times, you shouldn't have anything left!''

I ended up pulling into a petrol station and rushing them both in. I tell ya, that was not the way I wanted to spend my evening. It took me thirty minutes longer to get to the abode because we had to stop at McDonald's to use their facilities AFTER the petrol station. I thought I was going to be quite familiar with every bathroom from one side of Peterborough to the other!

We couldn't make it home soon enough they were running for the door, telling me to hurry and unlock the door. Oi!

Once inside, you got it, both bathrooms, up and down were in ocupado. For hours. Finally, Tonya comes in and I ask her what I can give them for diarrhoea. Meanwhile, she was on the phone with Carol as I was dodging her heels asking her that question. She tells me Kaopectate. I go get two child doses ready for when one or both make an appearance out of the bathrooms.

Seems Carol was experiencing the very same problem with little William. On investigation, she found out that William was looking for candy and he gave out three of her slimming bars thinking they were crunchy granola and chocolate candy! Seems these bars are filled with psyllium which helps in ridding the body of waste products. Well, on small bodies it does a number. So they each enjoyed an entire bar of fibre, chocked with psyllium and were experiencing the consequences of not having asked before raiding the cabinet.

Just thought I'd share that. Yup, my boys are looking pretty slim about now.

Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved


  1. been there done that LOL and it'll happen again.

  2. Aw poor lads. At least you got them to the loo in time. Could have been worse. Hope they're feeling better now and have learned to avoid a slimming bar when they spy one. Now Gabe, don't be hoping they will have the same effect on one dragon in law ;-)
