Showing posts with label Let us stroll down fudge lane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Let us stroll down fudge lane. Show all posts

26 January, 2010

"Bring me fudge!" I said - part 1

24 February 2008

R. Linda:

I think since this was such a trying time for both our lives, we should RELIVE IT!

Fudge Day 1: There I be minding me own business when I get an email from YOU telling me you are going to make fudge. And even better, you are going to send some me way. Then I get an email on the same day where you are telling me you are of a mind to make three or four different flavours of fudge. I be thinking you be ambitious and a little bit nuts. But I thank you in advance for having mercy on this poor deprived chocieholic since the wife won't make any fudge to stave off me craving.

Fudge Day 2: I get an email from you, informing me that the fudge isn't going very well. It is either too soft or too hard and YOU aren't satisfied with the results. I be stupid enough to ask if you threw it all in the bin and you tell me no, you be using your kiddies as trash bins and you be going back IN to try again, like a surgeon. Then you ask me about arrowroot and I be thinking to meself you be a first time fudge maker. LMAO

Fudge Day 3: Fudge making still isn't going well, you were making cinnamon fudge and me stomach was turning flips at the thought. Your favourite of the day is cherry, but you are going to try orange and almond, but hold the nuts it be extract. Now me stomach is doing giant flip-flops at the idea of no almonds, just extract.

Fudge Day 4: You are on your way to get bubble wrap and a box to ship me delicious fudge the next day. And I get instructions not to thank you. THIS last has me suspicious.

Fudge Day 5: You inform yours truly that all the sweetness in your fudge is enough to make a person gag. I be thinking to meself, what is she sending me? You also give me the visual after saying "I'm gonna get really fat!" Then you say, "My kids and I eat the mistakes, plus we sample every batch to make sure it tastes right." And, I be thinking the batch of fudge you are sending will have teeth marks where you bit a bite out for taste testing. (Say that three times fast - you bit a bite out) Oi!

Fudge Day 6: I find you haven't sent the fudge to me yet. You tell me the fudge looks 'right' now but you worry about the mail guys tossing it around and it all turning to chocie dust and bits. I be appalled at the visual. You add maybe the fudge is too sweet and I be thinking you can't tell a chocieholic that there be such a thing as too sweet. I just had a piece of gushy birthday cake with three inches of icing and I be in hoggy heaven. NOTHING is too sweet for yours truly!

Fudge Day 7: I wake up to this email from you - "I hate to disappoint you, but I'm sending your package on Saturday instead. LMAO. We're trying out an experimental fudge tomorrow and I want to send some of that batch to you. If you throw up or get sick, oops. LOL." NOW I be quaking in me boots. I write you back: "You are doing this to torture me chocie craving. I know you."

Fudge Day 8: This arrives in me email - "Oh yea, and how much fudge do you think I'm sending? HMMMM, let me think. LMAO You're in for either a treat or a shock. Think FAT, think MASSIVE, think OH MY GOD!!!" - This made me start chewing me fingernails to the quick.

Fudge Day 9: You send this - "WELL, I guess you'll just have to wait, be a guinea pig for my fudge skills, and don't hoard it until it turns to stone. LOL. If you don't like the taste, give it to your enemies. OR use it as a doorstop. Weight wise? About 5 plus pounds, I don't have a clue, don't have a scale." -- So now I be wondering what 5 pounds of fudge looks like.

Fudge Day 10: You email me this - "I'm trying to find a box in the house that the bin fits into. I can't tell you how much it weighs but 8 pounds easily LOL maybe." -- I be terrified now. You went from 5 lbs to 8 lbs overnight and you be looking for a new box.

I wrote you back: "I have not a clue on the amount and not certain you won't keep at it for the rest of the year and in the year 2020 the fudge will arrive as you have perfected the recipe and me choppers will have fallen out and I won't be able to sample it."

So the question remained: Would Gabe ever get his fudge? And just how much fudge if any would Gabe get? Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of Fudge Day.

To be continued.
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