03 August, 2020

Unpronounceable Hurricane Names and When Your Shoe Closet Doubles As Your Non-existent Book Shelf In Your Non-existent Home Office

03 August 2020

R. Linda:

I am baffled about where the American hurricane named Isaias came from. Have the weather people exhausted all the pronounceable names? I might be amused by the weather people trying to pronounce this name if I knew how to pronounce it meself! One says, "I sigh ay ya," another says, "I sa ee as," and still another says, "Icea ease." Which is it?

I be all for unpronounceable names if we were in Gaelic Ireland. Oh, for sure, we'd have Aoife (ee-fa for those who care), Caoimhe (knee va), Ciara (kay ra) Niamh (neev), Roisin (ro sheen) Saoirse (seer sha), and that be just the girls. The lads, well, there be Cian (kee an), Cillian (kill ee an),  Darragh (darra), Oisin (uh sheen), and there be always me own name in Gaelic,  Gaibrial (Gai bree uhl) aka Gabriel.

There was one other thing I be a noticing, and that was the in-home reporter's backdrops. Have ya noticed every one of them has a white bookcase? And it seems to be the same white bookcase everyone be skyping in front of. Was there a sale now? Or is it the very one bookcase being shipped back and forth? I have yet to see an attractive array of books on those shelves.

I was expecting something like this, leather and gilt collectables

So far, everyone has paperbacks. I see no hardcovers, and if I do, it be maybe three at the most, and they look somewhat ratty they do. You know, picked over paperbacks and ripped dust covers. Sprinkled on the shelves are knickknacks or framed family photos. In some, the shelves are jammed with books, and in others, there are one or two books, a few framed photos, or some unusual objet d'art. I tend to look at what's on the shelves first and then pay attention to what's being reported. Sad, I know.

But let me tell you about two reporters, neither very well known to yours truly. The one was a young woman who, I guess, had no bookshelf, so she did her story in her shoe closet. Yes, she did, R. Linda. She removed the shoes and stuck a few paperbacks and a knickknack in the slots, and it being white and kind of looking sort of like a . . . shoe shelf, she sat in front and gave her story. I happen to have a wife who has the very same shoe shelf, so I knew what I was looking at, and for pity's sake, it looked like a closet!

Poor thing, you might say, but how many women have shoe shelves? I'd think it not a good idea to try that with so many women watching. They would know right off. And the poor men who pay for all those shoes will also know. Uh-huh. But can you imagine a woman doing the news with a shelf full of shoes behind her? I say go for it, be different, start a conversation all over the netisfere.

Then there was this last reporter, who must have hurriedly gone to Walmart, got himself a single unit (it wasn't white; I suppose those are all sold out), stuck some old paperbacks in it, jammed a shelf of hardcovers in there, and yes, a few knickknacks I couldn't tell you what they were, and delivered his story. I could only shake me head at the hurried mess behind him where it looks he dragged the bookcase in front of a door, but well, I guess the white bookshelves stocked with old dog-eared paperbacks and a few framed photos, offset with some strange-looking ceramic thing be the new way of presenting the news.

We know who are hoarders now and who are the minimalists. We know who be sitting in a closet and who's just been to Walmart. I suppose the days of the big city backdrops are gone. Is Wolf Blitzer the only one in a studio with the Capitol building in the background? Or did Wolf drag that home and set it up in his living room? Hum, I wonder.

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1 comment:

Fionnula said...

no one who isn't irish knows how to pronounce my name either! thats ingenious using a shoe shelf for a bookcase though. make do and why not?