R. Linda:
Not because I want to keep tempers flaring, but because I realised something, in all the years Game of Thrones has been on the telly, there hasn't been any dissension among fans until this last series. I have to think it be because the author hasn't finished his Thrones books, and perhaps in season 7 he was more involved in giving the showrunners his perspective and what he had in mind. Perhaps season 8 be just too far afield in his thinking and he has not much to offer in the way of a story. He does want his books to be different than what someone else imagines and I can understand that. But I be of the mind, maybe the producers of the show should have waited for those last two books or at least the last one, before setting off on a show that has captured the imaginations of so many and could be bringing a successful show to an epic fail.
I was so very disappointed last night. I had even told a friend what I thought the episode would be about (a reset) and I was correct except for the deaths of the dragon and Missandei. And even those two events were like afterthoughts. An easy way to get rid of two more characters and give more reason to turn Dany into a mad Targaryen queen. It bothered me that Cersei had a clear shot at finishing her brother off and did not. She was so adamant about having Bronn finish both brothers and that bit Maggy the Frog gave her in warning that a little brother would put an end to her, well, she seems to believe it so why let Tyrion walk?
I thought most everything was contrived. Tormund going off with the direwolf was uh, not what I pictured his departure would be. Tormund, bombastic, loud, boisterous, bigger than life and there he was calmly leaving the scene. The poor dog! Or, Ghost! Tonya shed tears over the dire wolf! The thing had its head down in submission like, Jon say it ain't so, and Jon . . . he ignored the poor thing. What was up with that? That was NOT the Jon Snow we all thought we knew and loved. Right there me wife pulled up stakes and was out of the Jon Snow fan club. And Daenerys at the celebration sitting alone watching Jon get all the stroking while her cup of Starbucks was going cold.
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WHAT? Did no one on set notice that cup of Joe? |
The Hound - not to be one-upped |
The Hound, yes I like the Hound, he's snippy, grumpy, sarcastic and quite a wit in me eyes at least. Arya teaming up with Mr. Hound while not the teaming up most wanted (my family wanted her to become a Barathon), she ends up with her old nemesis/saviour and off they go, he to kill his brother (I say BRING IT ON CLEGHAN VS. CLEGHAN IN THE CLEGHAN BOWL!) and Arya we assume to chop off Cersei's head like the evil queen (we love to hate) chopped off her Da's. Seems contrived? Well, of course it does and you know right now that no Cleghan will survive THAT fiasco with swords. As to Arya, if Jamie isn't going to kill his sister/lover she may be taking him on, and using his face to get close enough to finish off Ceresi.
Jon Snow has become a love-struck puppy who somehow lost his rationality. He just moons around wishing he wasn't a Targaryan, probably as much as Daenerys wishes the same thing. I don't know what happened to these two characters but they are hardly recognisable anymore and it is hard to like either of them.
Bran, well, Bran is talking a lot more, you notice that? For a long time, he sat around in that chair staring at heaven knows what and zoning out as a raven and now, just ask him a question and he'll rattle on, not for hours but a few seconds conversing is startling to what we are not used to AND you don't have to be under a Weirwood tree to get him to say a few words.
I know this sounds strange, but I miss Theon. The boy proved himself at the last and even me Mam said she was starting to see what Sansa saw in him. I think maybe it was the Night King music that added to that. You knew Theon was not going to see out that episode, you knew he was going to fight with all he had left, and you knew he was going to fail, the odds were too many. But that music, it was so different, it was a bit modern but it was a piano that starts with a few key tinkles here and another there (like snow starting to fall), and then there be a reoccurring theme and the action on the screen doesn't fit the music somehow but it does! The quiet of the music, the sadness, and the slow steady beat doesn't waiver, but the action on screen is violent, massive, ongoing, gory, and quick. The music plays slowly on, varying its theme slightly, quietly, and sadly. The Night King and White Walkers appear and in a slow-mo walk towards us on our screens, the music picking up those violins and that subconscious association with fiddles and violins and the devil and evil creep into our psyches. We see Theon and a trans-Bran and the music gets stronger, the beat picks up like a heartbeat, a quickening if you will and more instruments join in, and you know a climax is coming and when it does, the music alters to its first natal beats and you watch Theon dying and the Night King focusing on Bran, you get it, and its painful, but its beautiful too and mostly its unforgettable and respectfully quiet. That music and that last scene with Theon and the Night King and White Walkers approaching was the best of the whole episode.
Arya was an anti-climax, yes, she was sort of a surprise in the way she killed the Night King, but you knew after her conversation with the Red Priestess where she was headed. So no surprise she appeared, the surprise was in how she did it.
Lastly, I be so tired of Sansa. The petty crap she's got going just annoys me. I thought her character would be fully fleshed out and in control. Instead, she's turned into Littlefinger. I was glad to see him go but he's back in female costume.
Lastly, I'd like great things to happen for Tyrion, but his character has suffered this season as well. I want him to be a Targaryan, I want him to walk through wildfire unscathed, I want him to ride a dragon and destroy that bloody throne. That would pacify me if he'd go flying off into the sunset astride a dragon and never be seen again, make him a myth, the little man who destroyed a kingdom and flew off in glory.
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Ock! Arya and the Hound are off to their end Gabe. Probably Jamie Lannister too. I like your idea of Arya changing faces though and getting to Cersei. You put it eloquently on that music, I noticed that too. I paused when I heard it thinking what is that playing? So different but you are right it fit the film like a glove. But then I like most all of the music for the show. That's all I will say, being good, yuk, yuk, or trying to at the very least.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for this series to be over. I am frankly, scared of Gillian. I feel like Tyrion feeling scared of Daenarys. I hope a
ReplyDelete^: :^ gains the throne though, WOOF!
I’m afraid of Gillie too!
DeleteI thought I was the only one that appreciated the Night King score. Music is emotional and depending on what instruments one uses in writing music, the emotional tie-in varies. The opening theme is exceptional in the combination of music and visuals starts you off until you associate a character or characters to the music, and the emotional pull gathers steam. I thought your comparison of the beginning of a snowstorm was spot on. One flake than two, then more until it reaches crescendo as in a storm, and begins to level off to the first delicate notes after all is said and done as a snow storm will when winding down. The violins picked up the piano but that heavier sound was cellos as the melody picks up. But you caught the violins, which you have to listen hard to pick up and then realise its not woodwinds you are listening to but strings. Good ear Gabe.
ReplyDeleteAye music brings on emotions and ties in to people in some respects. I actually pay attention to music and did. Well said
DeleteYou are a musician and better able to explain that sequence or combination(?) of melodies(?) better than me. I appreciate that.
DeleteGrrrr Gabe and Tomas!