31 August, 2013

She had to be a blond

31 August 2013

R. Linda:

Living in New Hampshire is much like living in Ireland, in that silly things go on here as there. Just yesterday I stopped by a farm stand to get Tonya the honey on the comb (which she has a passion for) when leaving with me purchase there was a ruckus of sorts in the parking lot. A police cruiser was out with lights flashing and a woman was animated and flushed talking to the officer. It seems her car was stolen. Yes indeed, right there at an open farm stand. How be that possible you ask? Well, I asked the same thing of the woman standing next to me watching all this.

"It is a Toyota Camry, grey," I overheard the animated woman saying as the officer wrote down the particulars.

It seems she had left her keys inside, YES I KNOW, not the brightest thing to do, but we are talking remote farm stand, in the middle of nowhere so who'd a thunk it?

Just before this Maggie O'Brien of Nashua had driven up in her Toyota Camry, grey of course, and she too left her keys inside her vehicle (I tell ya there be a lot of trusting persons up here) and she went to shop the farm stand. When she came out, and not paying any attention, she hopped in . . . wait for it . . . the other woman's grey Toyota Camry and off she tooled to a doctor's appointment! Yes, she did. She did not notice anything different, including the key chain! Maybe she was too nervous over her doctor's appointment, but let's be fair, the Camry was just as clean as her Camry so really was there a difference?

She went to her appointment and did not realise the switcheroo until she went looking for her sunglasses. Here she thought someone stole the sunglasses when there she sat herself, guilty of . . . wait for it . . . grand theft auto!

The car was missing for 2 WHOLE hours, R. Linda! Imagine the mileage and petrol consumption! And in all that time Ms. O'Brien had notta clue. Meanwhile, an alert was issued for a stolen grey Toyota Camry. Would you not think the license plate a clue she had the wrong vehicle? I don't think she looked.

So there were clues, maybe the interiour was a little cleaner, the key chain wasn't the same, the license plates certainly were different, the place she parked was not where she left her car, seats and mirrors may have needed adjusting? Or was Ms. O a blond? That's me question. I wanna know if that was the case because I be willing to take bets she was!

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved


mobit22 said...


I have no worries, my car always looks like the neighborhood squirrels poop on it for fun, plus who else in the world has the plate DUCKEEZ?LOL

Fionnula said...

i'd make a bet she was a blond too!

Dew said...

I almost got into someone else's car once, got as far as my hand on the handle and realized my mistake. Yup! Must be because I'm blond as brunettes would never ever make such a stupid mistake right? Lmao

Maggie said...

Fiona, you want to go there?

Fionnula said...

i did not mean you maggie. i know you have degrees up the wazoo and you know that so why would think that?

Tomas said...

She thinks that for the same reason I think that. You lump all into one category. I do remember you with blond hair, or did you forget you were once a blond too?

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Oi, imagine if I said she was a ginger.