04 November, 2011

Kate Middleton Preggers?

04 November 2011

R. Linda:

The outrage, the audacity, the shock of it all! Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, Mrs. Prince William not tasting peanut butter paste? How to calm the storm of protests that the lovely duchess wouldn't give it a try? And why not? Well, why not indeed? Someone at the palace said, "I know let's say she's expecting? Give that to the press on the sly, they'll know what to do." Why jolly good, get that to the media and let them run with it so UNICEF isn't insulted the pretty princess wouldn't taste their paste? I know that rhymed.

Well, let me tell you all what I think. I think the media has taken this stupid explanation and ran with it a little further than most of us sane people would have. Yes, but this is how the media works. If it doesn't walk like a duck, quack like a duck, or even look like a duck, the media will STILL declare whatever it be, A DUCK! So it comes as no surprise to me at least that we have the lovely woman preggers in the palace.

Now listen up followers of mine, I know a bit about this stuff and how dreadful it would be to be invited to Copenhagen (as you know one of me fav places on the planet), and be the main focus of a media-feeding frenzy for NOT doing what be expected of you. Oh my gosh, we can't have it, we just cannot. But let me tell you, I watched the whole thing I did. There was slim, trim, skinny Kate in a red coat dress thingie with a belt that showed off what be a teeny weeny waist. Okay, so there be the visual (and if you cannot visualise see picture below). Now next to her be her hubby, looking quite fine in a blue suit and on the other side of our focus, were two other people, I had no clue who they were and it wasn't important and did we care? No, of course, we don't. On with it shall I? SO this little packet of peanut butter paste be handed opened to the Prince who takes a bit on the tip of his finger, and like Little Jack Horner plops it in his mouth and takes a taste. Now hold on, because Kate was studying his expression intently. Does he like it? Does he not? And as I saw it he did NOT. But being princely he said nothing, just passed the opened packet to his wife who then passed it to the guy on her other side and HE took a taste. And HE looked as silly as the Prince did with his finger in his mouth.

Now really, I have said before and I will say it again, Kate Middleton acts more royal than the royals and in a good way. She's the model of decorum, and being such, I for one, could not for the life of me see her royal highness stick her finger in her mouth like an infant. It just wouldn't look good. No, it would be awful to have pictures of her all about the Internet and print media looking so foolish. And after the expression on her hubby's face, if I were her, I wouldn't want to try it either. One in the family doing the deed and looking stupid was quite enough thank you.

So here's my beef, why can't the insane media circus understand this? Why not say she was too much a lady to submit to sitting there looking unladylike with her finger in her mouth. Not only that, peanut butter be fattening and Kate does not want to get fat. I believe she said something about that a while back, or maybe that was Beatrice, I don't know. Why can't we all let her be her skinny, lady-like self without making an excuse for something so minuscule an act by declaring a royal heir on the way?

Ticked off ex-patriot,
Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved

No, I don't like it. You won't either, tastes disgusting


Maggie said...

Why on earth did they not provide those little spoons for the tasting? You'd have thought a royal handler would have spotted that omission and said something.

Irish Rogue said...

As an Irishman, I can't find anything the English royals do of any interest. But, and that is a big but, your way of relating these embarrassing situations is delightfully funny.

Guilette said...

I know why she wouldn't taste it, there were no napkins to wipe the gunk off after a taste. she couldn't use her dress now could she? now that I think on it, she could have used Wil's tie!

Fionnula said...

Could be she doesn't like peanut butter.

Dew said...

Put hairs on your chest that stuff will! LOL No wonder she declined.

Weaz said...

datty splains it!

mobit22 said...

don't say anything bad about peanut butter! I LIKE it! I really like the flavored ones.LOL dark chocolate, cinnamon, and white chocolate.
I don't have hair on my chest yet!