22 November, 2011

I just have to get this out of me system

21 November 2011

R. Linda:

I was surfing AOL News this a.m. and saw this from Splash News Video headlines: Demi leaves the country after splitting with Ashton. Ms. Jaio, who was sitting next to me, said, "Clik Clik." I did, and it seems Demi is gone to Hawaii. Hawaii? Is that the 50th U.S. state? Or did something happen overnight I hadn't heard about, and it seceded from the union? Well, someone must have said to Splash -- "DUH, Hawaii is not a separate country, bozos!" Because now it says Demi leaves California for soul searching. Yup. Splash may still be looking up Hawaii to ensure it isn't a part of the United States, so they stuck in California instead (knowing that it IS). SIGH

Demi leaving for . . . somewhere

That reminds me of the White House press giving out this exclusive on Obama agreeing to keep Israel's nukes a big secret: President Obama has reaffirmed a 4-decade secret understanding that has allowed Israel to maintain a nuclear arsenal without opening it to international inspections. Three officials familiar with the understanding said . . . etc., Well, guess what? It isn't a secret anymore.


Or, the time that CNN ran a blurb for the Situation Room where there was Osama bin Laden and the Egyptian, and the caption said, "Where's Obama?" Yee - ah.

The White House, you think? No, he travels around so much half the time I don't know where he is! Hey, who are these guys? Oh, maybe CNN reporters? Great disguise, guys you both look like . . .

And speaking of CNN, remember the blurb with the video of bin Laden walking down the mountainside with the caption underneath that read: "Experts agree: Al Qaeda leader is dead or alive." I guess that sort of covered all bases, huh?

Maybe he is . . . and maybe he isn't

Or how about the New York Post's World Cup shocker of a sports headline: The U.S. wins 1 - 1! The greatest tie against the British since Bunker Hill." HUH?

Bunker Hill? Was that a winning draw, too? I thought WE won it for King George! This be news. It means me history books back on the old sod be wrong.

And me favourite - when President Bush was addressing the nation and in the right-hand corner, the caption says: American Psycho, and it is pointing at Bush!

Oh my . . . LOL!

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1 comment:

mobit22 said...


I NEVER saw the psycho one! The history books are fine, it's the writer of the sports article that's stupid! The British won the battle though it was a pyrrhic victory!LOL Need a dictionary?