03 November, 2010

Salem, Massachusetts

31 October 2010
Story #322

R. Linda:

I was talked into taking everyone to Salem, Massachusetts, for the annual Haunted Happenings. This celebration of all things Halloween runs throughout October, but Halloween Day is the culmination of the fun. Everyone comes to town in costume—well, most everyone. 

I do have some good news: The Dragon will be leaving soon. I will no longer be impersonating a pretzel upon waking up off the couch in the mornings. Yup, I will be able to settle meself in me cosy, comfy bed, where I can stretch out a 6' frame instead of crunching up in a fetal position like an accordion with a dog for a blanket.

Therefore, upon that bit of news, yours truly was in a perfect mood and all for a drive to Massachusetts. We stuck the children in costumes and headed out. They slept the way down, which was early because we knew from once before that to get there early enough, we could park in Salem instead of in Peabody or Danvers. We also knew that getting there early not only ensured a good parking spot but also first seating for lunch anywhere. We decided on Victoria Station up on Pickering Wharf. That way, we would have a lovely view of the ships in Salem harbour and the costumes parading by the dock.

One of the two tall ships across from Victoria Station

We had to take two cars because there were so many of us, and we did not have that white stretch limo. Isn't that just like Dragon? When we could use a larger vehicle, she does not have one available unless it is only for herself. So, off we went, and Tonya had the kiddies in her car with the Dragon (thank the heavens above for THAT). I thought for a second the Dragon was going with yours truly since the Saturn is way more comfy than that VW bug. Anyway, Tonya took off, and once Tonya is off, she's miles ahead of me. I knew that would happen, so we agreed to meet at Victoria Station.

The traffic was light, the trip uneventful, and parking was a breeze. I texted Tonya that we "had landed," and she texted that she was still "circling" and she'd catch up. This could only mean they took a pit stop for Dunk's coffee the cheats. I didn't stop for coffee, though I wanted to, but that damn Dragon got coffee!

I took the parents for a slow walk from the parking garage to the wharf, and I needn't have worried about slow walking because they had never seen a place like Salem before. The costumes were already on the street. Let me show you.

I thought this was clever, the wicked queen from Snow White and her mirror.

And the Queen of Hearts and her man

The gawking by the parents slowed me down considerably, but they were enjoying the creativity of those dressed up for the event. Until we came upon the Jersey girl, Snooki.

Ms. Snooki 

"She" gave me father pause she did. He wasn't quite sure what to make of him; I mean "her", but Ms. S was nice enough to pose for me camera. After physically dragging me stunned Da away, we made our way towards the wharf, and it got more bizarre as we went.

Thought this dude was quite charming to look at until it looked like he was coming for me

I got a text message from Tonya about this time, wondering where we were. She had found parking by the wharf and was waiting with two excited children and one bored Dragon. Where we lost? She wanted to know. I texted her back and said if I was, it be ok because at least we speak the language. It's not like in New Jersey, where I can't understand anyone, and they don't understand me. Finally, we got down there, and that damn Dragon was still sipping her Dunk's pumpkin coffee in front of me. The nerve!

Anyway, Victoria Station was just opening, and we got good seats inside, out of the wind, to watch the costumes on the dock and enjoy our lunch at the same time. When we had our drinks and our order had been taken, we were all sitting there relaxed and content, even the two wee boyos. An older man walked in with a young chickie, and they sat at a table near us. The man pulled out his mobile phone and immediately called his friends, asking them where they were. From what we could not help but overhear, it seemed he had arranged for his friends to come in costume and meet him for fun and food in Salem, and only the young chickie showed up! So now he was on the phone trying to rouse some interest, and it seemed no one could make it, except he did have someone named Brian on the fence. He was loud, obnoxious in his self-importance, and making us all feel unsettled. Me Da whispered he'd like to get up and pull that phone out of his hands just to shut him up. And that brings me to a side story I should tell you, that I told me table to amuse them from the "Brian" conversation at the table next to us.

Our friend Wolfie went to a flick with some friends, and while they were sitting there, the fella sitting in front of them mobile phone rang just as the flick was starting. Well, he answered it, and it was a brief conversation, and that was seemingly the end of it UNTIL, a quarter way into the flick, it rang again. This time, a longer not so quiet conversation ensued. Well, one more time, and Wolfie had had enough. He got up, reached over the fella's shoulder, took the mobile phone and threw it, shattering it to pieces. Yes, he did, and the rest of the theatre audience cheered this act. He looked at the man, said, "You're done!" and sat back down. The man was in a state of shock. He knew by the look of Wolfie not to mess with him, so he left his seat and went to the theatre manager to complain. Now, if I was Wolfie, knowing what was happening, I would have left, but no, not the hard to intimidate Wolfie. No, he waited for the manager to come down. The man did, followed not very closely by the scared phone-less patron when a very interesting thing happened. As the manager asked Wolfie if he was responsible for throwing the fella's phone, people in the audience shouted at the manager that they had the wrong guy; the one who did it had left the premises. THIS turnabout had the phone-less fella not wanting to get into it with everyone, so he said to his girl, "Come on, let's get out of here." AND THEY LEFT. The rest of the flick went without incident. Who does that? We all think of doing it, but we are too cowardly to act on it. So, kudos to Wolfie.

Me Da celebrated the destruction of the annoying mobile with a toast to the brave man who rid the theatre of it. We all sighed, wishing we could do that to the man at the next table, but like Tonya said, we'd scare the wee ones, and yes, that would be an excellent excuse for not doing it. But if the truth be told, we were, all of us, too timid. Yes, I admit it. BUT Dragon wasn't too timid; no, she had a mouth on her, and it was loudly complaining, and she'd glance over at him, but HE was oblivious! He was all about impressing the young chickie. So much for that.

After our less than quiet lunch, we left for a few amusements, the haunted houses, for O'Hare, at least. His brother wanted none of that. Dragon, Mam and I were busy shopping as we went, and Da was gawking at the costumes and the sights and sounds of Halloween in Salem. Here are a few more pics for you.

Here is a Vampire leading a tour of the old burial ground (Vamp on the right)

Here's me, Mam and Da (kidding, but then again . . . , LOL)

Equal time to the Dragon (Kidding again, well not really and no costume necessary!)

Tonya, pretty in pink (kidding again? Maybe . . . maybe not, LOL)

Me standing around (kidding, or am I? LOL) watching the levitation in the graveyard (see below)

Levitation in the graveyard - how high can she go? Amazing, these guys have no clue what's going on behind them!

Typical Salem Family out shopping for the day

And the best one, the Jonas Brothers as GHOSTBUSTERS! Who ya gonna call?

I think that's enough for now. I am out of juice, and if I think of anything else, I'll write later. For now, enjoy the Salem pictures!

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved


  1. Cool place! Great photos, but aisteach.

  2. Always wanted to go to Salem for Halloween. Maybe next year. Loved the pictures of the costumes and happenings. Looks like a lot of fun.

  3. Way cool Gabe. Wonderful pics! Brings back a memory or two. Looks like not much has changed. Makes me want to go next year! The parties at night were the best.
