R. Linda:
You would I should find a publisher for this trivia and put it in book form? Then I need to make proper dedication to me muse, don't I? Wouldn't be right I don't since you have inspired me sense of humour in all things about me, and clanged me funny bone into overdrive. But, you tell me, have it printed in big print so your old lady eyes can read it. Well, for one, I don't know a publisher who would find me drivel entertaining enough to put it in book form, and two, the big print would set a printing press up for a very long printing session when you notice how wordy yours truly can be. Which is freedom for writers since most of the time we have to limit out wording to a certain quota and when we don't have to, it is diahorrea of the written word.
If I had to have big type face used I think it would look something like this, because I don't think ALL those words will fit on one page. Here you go:
I dedicate this book of
as she has been a
and my muse to R. Lin
with all my heartfelt
and without whom I
and then there would
so in closing here is
again as I said before
Chapter On
There was one thing
she just stood there and
the gun was about
and the idea that
blood was everywhere
so I tried to run
she twisted my
and that hurt, but
as it turned out
and that's my
I then turned to
said it with fiery
and she could only
but then did I want
so that's what I thought
she said she would
but then did she never
Chapter tw
The day dawned
I took a deep breath
hard to breath that
but, I made the best
until she showed
hit me with a frying
hurt, and once that
I decided to do the
do with getting
I needed to stop her
could find out where
the diamonds.
Copyright © 2008 All rights reserved
R. Linda:
You would I should find a publisher for this trivia and put it in book form? Then I need to make proper dedication to me muse, don't I? Wouldn't be right I don't since you have inspired me sense of humour in all things about me, and clanged me funny bone into overdrive. But, you tell me, have it printed in big print so your old lady eyes can read it. Well, for one, I don't know a publisher who would find me drivel entertaining enough to put it in book form, and two, the big print would set a printing press up for a very long printing session when you notice how wordy yours truly can be. Which is freedom for writers since most of the time we have to limit out wording to a certain quota and when we don't have to, it is diahorrea of the written word.
If I had to have big type face used I think it would look something like this, because I don't think ALL those words will fit on one page. Here you go:
I dedicate this book of
as she has been a
and my muse to R. Lin
with all my heartfelt
and without whom I
and then there would
so in closing here is
again as I said before
Chapter On
There was one thing
she just stood there and
the gun was about
and the idea that
blood was everywhere
so I tried to run
she twisted my
and that hurt, but
as it turned out
and that's my
I then turned to
said it with fiery
and she could only
but then did I want
so that's what I thought
she said she would
but then did she never
Chapter tw
The day dawned
I took a deep breath
hard to breath that
but, I made the best
until she showed
hit me with a frying
hurt, and once that
I decided to do the
do with getting
I needed to stop her
could find out where
the diamonds.
Copyright © 2008 All rights reserved
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