Showing posts with label Traumatic almost conclusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traumatic almost conclusion. Show all posts

29 December, 2009

The real conclusion - well . . .

6 March 2005

R. Linda:

We left Tink up to her neck in swirling water, the evil princess standing with HER hands on hips this time, upon the jagged rock, looking down at the very wet Tink. Oh what will happen next?

Just as the evil princess was about to say evil, horrible things to our half drowned Tink, who should appear struggling to paddle upstream? The late Mr. Weasil, court jester extraordinaire and the late handsome prince! Somehow, the current pushed them almost to the brink of the big waterfall, but there in the middle of the Roaring River was . . . was . . . wait for it . . . yes, you guessed it another tree branch stuck in-between the jagged rocks! Weasil had managed to pull his slight body up on top of the branch and he noticed in-between all the rotted brown leaves there was his, yes, you guessed it again, raft that had broken free a long time ago. Well whatho luck this!

It took our hero court jester about a half hour to blow the raft back up and he did! Well, was easy he's full of hot air after all isn't he?

Just as he was about to haul the paddles out of the tree branch on his right, who should appear yelling and screaming like a girl, but our handsome prince! As soon as he saw Weasil he stopped yelling and screaming like a girl and did pretend some dignity as he deepened his voice and yelped, "HELP!"

Seeing this is a fine opportunity that surely would became a photo-op later (in this case photo-op means Weasil having his heroic picture saving the handsome prince on the cover of the Sun tabloid). Yes, our Weasil is a glutton for over exposure when it comes to stardom at any cost.

The tree branch was rapidly coming closer as the water hurried the handsome prince to the edge of the big waterfall. Too far from it to grab on and save himself, the handsome prince wondered what to do? The Weasil knew what to do, he flipped a paddle out to the handsome prince as he was floating on by and I be relieved to report the handsome prince not only grabbed it, but climbed on up it into the tree branch. Thank goodness the handsome prince didn't weigh a ton or he'd have never made it!

Yes, our two heros were safe. Whew! If not, this story wouldn't have been written. Because one of our two heroes would have gone over the edge and knowing the Weasil's non-command of the English language, this story would never have seen the light of day. Enough of that, I need to stop here because I'm still shaking from the remembrance.

I'll be back after a stiff drink.

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