25 September 2011
R. Linda:
Seemingly out of nowhere, we have Sinead O'Connor back in the media. First, there were mutterings of Sinead coming back to sing a few gigs and then it was Sinead was a self-ordained priest, then it was Sinead was bi-sexual, then it was Sinead got married, then she got married again, then she was moving onto marriage number 3, then it was Sinead be a good Catholic (which gave meself pause it did), then it was nothing, no word of Sinead, then suddenly there it is Sinead's third marriage has broken and it has broken her with it. No, said I, how could that happen to Sinead O'Connor, strong-minded, strong-willed, skinny and bald Sinead.
R. Linda:
Seemingly out of nowhere, we have Sinead O'Connor back in the media. First, there were mutterings of Sinead coming back to sing a few gigs and then it was Sinead was a self-ordained priest, then it was Sinead was bi-sexual, then it was Sinead got married, then she got married again, then she was moving onto marriage number 3, then it was Sinead be a good Catholic (which gave meself pause it did), then it was nothing, no word of Sinead, then suddenly there it is Sinead's third marriage has broken and it has broken her with it. No, said I, how could that happen to Sinead O'Connor, strong-minded, strong-willed, skinny and bald Sinead.
Well, then there was Sinead came to sing (a new album coming out), and we all did double takes because gone was that skinny, bald-headed, anti-Catholic Church-spouting Sinead we all knew and sort of loved (for her willingness to go where everyone else feared to tread). The woman on stage didn't look like that fired-up girl we remembered. Here before us was a matronly Sinead who must have learned to cook from the look of her, and she grew hair! I was a wee bit saddened that she may have mellowed as well, and well, I shouldn't have feared for that! I will tell you I've had more hits on this blog for the search "fat Sinead" than anything or anyone else I have written about (see Banning certain items of clothing and is THAT Sinead O'Connor?) I was gobsmacked that Sinead's appearance, broken marriage and songs were a hot topic. I still haven't figured out what the search for Sinead with a cigarette in her ear is all about, but oh well.
I remember Sinead ripping up a picture of Pope John Paul and thought at the time it was a harsh way to get our Catholic attention, but it did. Most condemned her action (including me), but that did not stop Ms. O'Connor from speaking out on women's rights and how archaic she thought the church was.
Now she's back! While she's not ripped up a picture of Pope Benedict, she has ripped into him, this time in a foul language rant. It seems to me the old Sinead O'Connor is back! Just recently, after appearing on stage and everyone gossiping (including me) about how much weight she has put on, the fact she actually can grow hair, and her marriage hitting the skids, well, all this made the lass down enough that she Tweeted about killing herself. SINEAD, we all get fat in middle age (so I'm told) and it's a fact of life lass, let it go and sing you can still do that! As for a failed marriage, what's the old saying, 'one door closes and another door opens'?
Well, someone talked sense into her, and she apologised for that thought of suicide. I know of friends whose marriages have failed, and they have thought about killing themselves or killing off the spouse, but they never do either. It's all talk for the want of attention, no matter what kind, as long as someone stops to listen! I thought all was well with Sinead, but then she got wind of a Twitter poll that asked if Pope Benedict should visit Ireland. Pope Benedict coming to visit Ireland, a Catholic nation wrought with paedophile scandal and well, Sinead saw all this, and it fired her up it did, with a threat that (and excuse the language): There'd be a "f--ckin' bloodbath" if Pope Benedict sets foot on Irish soil. "Me meet the f--cker off the plane myself," and on she went, willing to shoot him if he dared step off the plane.
First, there is no visit by the current Pope I know of, so hold on there, Sinead. Second, people are calling Sinead bipolar and in need of serious mental help. But I have to think back. Sinead has always said what she feels, whether we agree with her or not. So where is this different from the other times I want to know. Listen, we all get excited about certain subjects, and we know the Catholic Church and the Pope is one that gets to Sinead. Nothing new there. The horrific molestations of the church, I do believe, coupled with the behind-the-times view that a female cannot be an ordained priest, says much to those progressives who want to see the Church move forward. Ms. O'Connor, whether you agree with her or not, has a platform of celebrity (in this case, sensational celebrity) where these views can be expounded with the least amount of backlash falling not upon those who would say such in not-so-big a forum. Still, Sinead, who does have such a public forum, does say what she feels out loud in front of cameras. She takes up the gauntlet with no fear. So be it. When remarks by the Church are made of innocent children enticing priests to "sin" are placed on a platter before the faithful, it takes a great deal to swallow, and I think the issues of the Catholic Church in Ireland and its closed-door practices being blamed upon innocent children be right up there with Sinead's threat to commit murder. The murder of the innocents is just as bad as pulling a trigger.
My point be that Ms. O'Connor is doing nothing out of the ordinary than she's done before. I will say threatening to shoot the Pope be over the top, and I hope in me heart she didn't mean it. We Irish have a way of revolution, and it be a part of our mental fabric to resist what we feel is not right. Look at our history, and you will find many Sinead O'Connors who have been glorified for taking a stance and doing something about it. I be not condoning taking a gun and doing what Sinead threatened, but I am saying I think there is a terrible overreaction by people without medical degrees willing to comment on her for unstable mental reasoning.
Some call her a genius (I would not go that far), and others call her passionate. I think her genius be in her music, and if I could talk straight to Sinead, I'd tell her to write her songs, express herself through music and leave the violence go.
Then . . . there be that new album coming out. Media savvy by using sensationalism to gain attention in any way one can DOES sell albums.
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Then . . . there be that new album coming out. Media savvy by using sensationalism to gain attention in any way one can DOES sell albums.
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