26 June, 2024

Slingshot Wizards And Me Da Was One Of Them

26 June 2024


R. Linda:

Maybe you heard that in California an 81-year-old man was arrested for victimising his neighbours with a slingshot! Seems certain neighbours had their windows smashed by ball bearings that would come whizzing through their homes, and some, their car windscreens, and even missiles aimed at themselves. Yikers! This went on for a good decade it did. 

The old man became known as the "serial slingshot shooter" of Azusa, California! Seems the police were called to take care of a "quality of life issue" that had garnered complaints from residents of North Enid Ave., that someone with a slingshot was wreaking havoc on them, and their property, and, they wanted it stopped. 

1 comment:

Fionnula said...

I can understand your grans wanting to keep her crop but I don't understand why the thieves would keep coming back if they were getting shot at