24 April 2022
R. Linda:
When we set the clocks ahead, my whole family turns into zombies. No one could adjust to the time change. Only Mam did, she was up early bustling around, being her happy self. We all complained she was happy and to stop it we couldn't handle being happy an hour ahead with less sleep.
"If ye set da clock ahead, ye don't hafta be alive as long." That was her retort. Don't say a word, I know what you're thinking, the HOME be in her future.
We have by now adjusted somewhat. But some people are happy with that skipped hour. They have lost some time so to make up for it they have found crazy things to do.
For example, this incident has stayed with me and I must be losing it because I actually feel bad for a robot! I happened to be in Manchester and decided to get a bite to eat at the Red Arrow dinner. While I was waiting for me order, I looked out the window and saw this:
FedEx delivery robot |
I was intrigued! I had heard that FedEx was going to start using delivery robots but I never thought this would happen in New Hampshire! But there it was tooling slowing down the street (on the shoulder) and to me it was acting like it was lost. It would start going forward, then stop and move to the side, then start again, stop, adjust itself and move again, then stop. This went on for 5 minutes and I couldn't figure out what the problem was it was acting erratically.
I got up and went to another window and around the corner was a man in a wheelchair. He was coming after the robot and his electric wheelchair must have interfered with the robot was all I could think.
A Game of Cat and Mouse |
The poor robot didn't know what to do. It was trying to get out of the wheelchair-bound man's way but every time it moved in one direction, the wheelchair did too and this confused the poor robot. The man was obviously having a good time!
To my observation, the wheelchair and the robot had similar if not the same chaises. I had to wonder if the electronic systems didn't interfere with each other and that was what was causing the robot so much angst. The human operator had more control and seemed to be enjoying disrupting the robot's travels.
I had to leave so I don't know what happened. I have no clue if the man got tired of the game or the robot was able to deliver its package, or someone came to the robot's rescue. The thing took on a human aspect for me in the way it tried to avoid the man in the wheelchair. The man in the wheelchair seemed to be bullying the poor robot. THIS over a robot! I tell ya R. Linda, sometimes I wonder about meself I do.
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you softy lol