12 December, 2021

Part 2 - I Was Minding Me Own Business When . . .

12 December 2021


R. Linda:

Just when I thought this guy with the same name was over, I found it had been nothing but a calm interlude that was gearing up behind the scenes for my stress level to race from 1 to 100! I had gone out and brought the mail in yesterday, and there on the bottom was a letter that looked like a bill addressed to yours truly. Now, what could that be? I wondered, as I had just the week before paid all the bills.

Come to find out, it was a bill for $2,000 for an ambulance ride from Woodstock, Vermont, to Lebanon, New Hampshire! I must have looked dumbstruck because the wife came over and took the offending thing out of me hands and read it. She became livid with indignation she did.

"What are you going to do about THIS?" She demanded.

"Short a name change. I guess I have to get on the phone and make a call." 

But before I could do that, she was dialling up the hospital and complaining. She told them we had this all straightened out with Dr. Howard, one of their doctors on staff. The receptionist replied there was no Dr. Howard on staff. WHAT, WHAT, WHAT?!

I got on the phone and was told to talk to the billing department on Monday. Apparently, my bank account exists for them too! I said this to Tonya, who questioned that.

Apparently, my insurance had already covered half the cost, so this is moving into a clerical nightmare. And apparently, further, they must have me information in the network still. Since me moron doppelgänger wouldn't give them any info (HIS information, that is), they, in turn, made the wrong assumption I'd pay for his ride. 

"Lawyer?" Tonya asked.

I be hoping to undo this myself once I explain what happened and hope things will be corrected. I just cannot believe the story continues. 


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1 comment:

Fionnula said...

that is terrible. I wish you the best on fixing the problem. merry Christmas huh?