12 October, 2021

Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Massachusetts

12 October 2021


R. Linda:

One of my best times happened in the fall when me parents would visit from Ireland, and we'd all head on down to Sturbridge, Massachusetts for a leisurely day spent back in time. Fall in Sturbridge is absolutely beautiful. Our day consisted of walking around the OLD village, taking in the sights and history, then a quick trip to the gift shop for Mam and Tonya, followed by dinner at the Old Sturbridge Inn. I stayed in Sturbridge some years ago on a business trip. I had accommodations in the old part of the inn which was just perfect as far as I was concerned. Being a bit of a history aficionado I prefer old inns to new ones. The experience did not disappoint either. As I had settled in to sleep that night, a dog came rushing passed me bed followed by the rustling of taffeta skirts. As suddenly as they came they were gone. I wasn't the only one that heard that me wife did too! We both said at the same time, "What was that?" I love ghostly encounters as you know, so it couldn't have been a better or a more eventful way to end an evening for this guy.

To get back to Mam and Da's annual October visit, we'd go to the Sturbridge Inn restaurant after our day of sightseeing the old village and waiting for the ladies to finish in the gift shop. The inn's food is the best, and there be a gift shoppe and baked goods on the way out to the parking area that has bakery goods to die for. Anyway, here are a few photographs of one of our trips to Old Sturbridge Village.

The village is spread out with old colonial-style buildings. Each is open to the public and each has some function that people interested in that period will appreciate.

The common in the old village

Here be the potter's shop

There be animal husbandry as well, a working farm too

The dam

The old covered bridge just down from the dam

View of the bridge from the far side of the Quinebaug River (a river that runs north!)

There be employees dressed in period costumes which adds ambience to the place

Must be an Irishman who owned this shed, I see potatoes!  I can say this being Irish.

I have been to Sturbridge at other times of the year, but late October seems the best time to avoid crowds. We pretty much had the place to ourselves and getting reservations for dinner was a snap.

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1 comment:

Fionnula said...

this looks like an interesting place. wish I lived on your side of the continent I'd go check it out.