03 November, 2020

Where's The Decorum?

03 November 2020


R. Linda:

This says it all:


Yes, the frost be on the pumpkin this Election Day. The wind has taken down a large white pine and we had a dusting of snow left from last night's squalls. 

I am foggy/groggy this morning and several cups of joe haven't revived me any. I already voted by write-in ballot so I don't have to be out in the weather. I went to bed last night around 1 a.m. with the knowledge that the tiny New Hampshire town of Dixville Notch cast its 5 votes for Biden. Maybe that's what caused a dream that woke me up at 3:30 a.m. 

I was watching a bus being forced off the road by a bunch of swamp yankees in banged-up trucks shouting, "Yee-ha!" as the big vehicle veered toward a culvert. I woke up and remembered I saw a news blurb that mimicked me dream. This disturbed me that people would actually be so crazy as to endanger a busload of people. I tried to go back to bed and eventually, I must have fallen asleep because I woke up again around 4 a.m. from a dream that I was watching a Trump rally and everyone was a maskless skeleton in the audience and the man himself was up at the podium grinning. Someone shouted, "What will you do if re-elected?" and the answer woke me up, "Nothing good!"

Maybe that's why I be in a fog, dreams reflect reality do they not? Going back to Ireland is not an option because of the roots I put down here and Covid over there is no better than here. My middle child asked if there was anywhere safe we could move to. That was sobering coming from an 11-year-old who obviously has a lot on his mind and doesn't feel safe. 

I look out my office window and all looks very fall-ish and normal, yet life is anything but R. Linda. I look back on when I first came here and life was exciting. All me newfound friends and places to see and go, all the opportunities and freedoms. Where did it all go? This Covid be so far out of control that I admit I fear for me own little family and wonder why it wasn't stopped when it first reared its ugly head. 

Why has everything including small businesses become so polarizingly political? It's like all the fun of living has been sucked away and replaced by immobilising sarcasm, and hate. What to do R. Linda? The answer be get out there and VOTE!


Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved


Fionnula said...

I think nearly everyone feels like you do. I'd vote only I live in Canada.

Wolfie said...

Think of the challenges such as Trump ghosts the White House along with Lincoln only he's in a closet barricaded in the Oval Office. Or, perhaps Don Jr and his mother Kim Guifoyle highjack the GOP Chair, or maybe Kayleigh McNinny will discover her marbles on the floor of the press room, OR, King Trump comes back as threatened for another run in 2024. The possibilities of hell on earth for the U.S.A. are endless.

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Well THAT cheered me up LMAO