28 May, 2018

Kip interrupted . . . as well as a diet

28 May 2018

R. Linda:

For the past three weeks, I have been put on a diet. That muffin top you helped created years ago with the tons of fudge you sent, is back! I have been eating out more of late because work be crazy and getting home for a home-cooked meal is a rare occasion of late. Therefore, yours truly packed on a food belt otherwise known as a muffin top. Yes, it is back! The wife be alarmed that I would be turning into a pear, so she took steps to stop the muffin top. Yes, she did she has me eating salads so much so me nose twitches at the sight of lettuce, yogurt the Greek low cal kind, J-ello -- no whipped cream, lots and lots of veggies like this for instance:

Ratatouille, delicious but leftovers for three days . . . not so much

The weather be conducive to napping and forgetting what one was being forced to consume. It got chilly and it rained last night leaving the day grey and gloomy with the wind up. That took care of any garden slog the ladies of the house had planned for yours truly, and miraculously there be nothing inside that needs the handyman touch. That meant for all intents and purposes I could lay meself out on the couch and snooze away. Well, that would be if I lived by meself but with three small kiddos, a busy wife, a mother living with us, a mother-in-law who won't go home, and the freeloading cousin and his friend, the noise level does not lend itself to a restful nap of any kind. Therefore, though I tried, I was in and out of consciousness and bits and pieces of conversation filtered into me semi-dreams.

I remember hearing the telly on softly in the background, and Sean was sitting in the chair where me feet hung off the couch. I could hear the sound of cheering and then booing coming from the set. I cocked open one eye to see a massive crowd of Irish football fans, drinks in their hands, Irish flags being waved in others, and all facing balcony apartments across from a drinking establishment in Paris of all places. This got both eyes open as you can well imagine.

The cheering took place when an older gent came out on his balcony and when he disappeared inside, booing erupted. Every time the man would come out a great cheer would erupt with much joy until he popped back inside rather flummoxed as to why he was being cheered. The crowd would boo loudly until he tentatively came back out and then cheers even louder than the last time. This went on for quite a while, the man on the balcony finally getting "it" to where each time he'd appear he raise his arms for the cheers and keep them going until his arms seemed to tire and off he'd go back inside.

If you're interested you can go here to view it: https://youtu.be/Ipg4oxNw2b4

I grew tired of the antics and closed me eyes. I could hear the rattle of a spoon on plate and I think Sean was eating J-ello with whipped cream. Seems his friend Lonnie (a transplant from Killarney, visiting him) was with him eating the same at the other end of the couch, yes stereo.

"That's cracking that yeah?" Seam said pointing at his J-ello.

"Ay, 'tis the best," Lonnie said looking at his bowl.

"It tastes better here than anywhere else," Sean said, his voice volume on low.

"You have it crack on," Lonnie said loudly, oblivious to me trying to sleep. "American J-ello tastes better than back home."

"I'm a wee bit muddled, why are you shouting?" I asked Lonnie through half-opened lids.

"I'm not shoutin' am I?" He asked. "The cream on dis here be like I died and went ta heaven. An even beatah, the bootah and brandy sauce make the dish."

"What?" I opened me eyes to see that yes indeed the arse had put brandy butter sauce on top of his J-ello and whipped cream. "Ugh, I don't know how you can eat it like that."

"Since when did you become a food critic?" Sean asked.

"Since people should be eating in the kitchen not where someone be trying to get some kip," I said annoyed. I shut me eyes to blot them out and try to snooze again.

They left and came back in seconds. I tell ya! Me Mam had come in quietly and was knitting across from me. I drifted off as all was quiet except for the clacking of the knitting needles and spoons scraping bowls, which odd as it seems, lulled me into a much wanted nap.

But once again through the haze of not being quite there in dreamland, I hear me Mam's voice, "You jus con't let it go kin ye?"

"Doont make me unpack on ye now," Sean said with a laugh.

"Wow, a lot to unpack dere." She chuckled.

Sean started whining about Rose, the one that he broke off with many many moons ago, and a frustrated Dragon (who must have come in while I attempted to sleep) asked him who Ross was. She had come in the room with a bowl of J-ello as well and was standing over the couch.

Sean uses the Irish "Roos" which be the way he pronounces Rose and she was thinking he was gay suddenly. Once he got that straightened, Sean made it worse by saying Roos had the nicest 'breests' he's ever seen, at which me Mam told him to hush. Again Dragon was confused and asked what were breests and I whispered to her "breasts."

"Gosh really?" She blurted out.

"Change da subject NOW," Mam ordered.

"Can ye all go in the kitchen with the goodies please." I was annoyed since I was tired of the sight of J-ello and especially the homemade whipped cream I could not have.

"Wots wit ye?" Lonnie asked me.

"Oh, he's jus sore he be on a diet and con't eat the cream." Sean volunteered.

"I've been on a diet before I got here, green juice, almonds and da best potato crisps," Lonnie said.

That got an, "Oh my," from me Mam.

"All mixed together?" Tonya asked, popping in and not helping. And for a quick second me heart stopped thinking she thought that a good idea and would try it on ME!

"So Lonnie did you think Roos would look like that when you first met her?" Mam asked to inject some levity and end Lonnie's diet talk.

"I recognised her from her wanted poster at the post office," Lonnie said not missing a beat.

"Her name be a household name, at least here isn't that right Sean?" Tonya joked back, as I opened one eye opened because I couldn't resist.

"Only in her own hoosehold," Mam said taking a sip of elderberry wine I had not seen before and nodding her head.

"Intrastin'." Sean joined in seemingly amused.

"Too bad the man with the good hair couldn't be here," I said out loud forgetting you weren't there, since good hair always comes into the conversation somehow.

"He's probably congregating French verbs somewhere," Tonya interjected knowing who I meant.

"Must tell Linda," I mumbled drifting off.

I actually slept! I thought it had been hours, but in reality, it was a whole ten-minute nap! I was rudely awakened by the youngest pouncing on me chest to tell me "sumthin" important. Yes indeed, he had forgotten to unpack his school backpack and found schoolwork he needed to give me. It seems there was a discussion in an assembly where the grades were given a lesson on the earth and how to keep her healthy. The speaker handed out yellow hearts and each student was to write what they thought they could do to help the earth survive. Guido told me he said he would recycle plastics, but the youngest had a much more innovative idea of what he would do. See below:

Yup, the youngest be all about the rabbits!
Where this came from, I have notta clue. We have no pet rabbits and the coyote have eaten any rabbits in the wild around here, so I dunno where in his brain he got this from. Probably because we watched the Peter Rabbit movie the other night.

As it turned out, there was no catnap for Gabe, no indeed, too many people closed in for the day made for everyone under everyone else's feet. The kitchen was open, Mam had put down the knitting and was cooking up Irish favourites and the clatter of cutlery was loud along with the laughing and chat. We were joined by me Mam's "friend" Ben, who driving by saw the lights on and it looked so cozy he decided to stop. Now how he could see the lights on at the back of the house with a driveway that is heavily wooded to where you don't even know there be a house back here, I have notta clue he wasn't telling a tale he was.

So much for rest and relaxation . . . though I cannot really complain the food was fab and no one, particularly the woman who forced me on a diet, noticed I was making up for lost meals by devouring everything in sight. I be waiting for the other shoe to drop when SHE realises the culinary crime that was committed. So far so good and today I be eating yogurt in front of her like yesterday never happened, haha.

Me fav was the rainbow cookies Ton and the boyos made, see below:

Rainbow cookies, YUM

Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved


  1. aw feeding the rabbits precious. diets oh! green juice with crisps not a diet lol and you no better going off yours but dieting is hard i imagine. always been 115 lbs soaking wet.

  2. LMAO I'm glad you didn't sleep if you ate cookies! My cheat wasn't cookies. It was regular food.

  3. Had to laugh at the u tube video that was fun. When your son gets older give him Watershed Down, I think he'd enjoy it. According to my wife, diets are a bloody misery. She does this diet thing every spring so she can wear a bikini and go brown. I think she'd commiserate with you on the veggie part. Stay strong Gabriel, LOL.

    1. Don’t you love auto correct? Shed for ship.

  4. Vegetarian diet does great things for your brain, stick with it, not that you are lacking in the intellect department, hardly the case. Typical Irish in Paris, hey? Funny video thanks for sharing. You need to start clearing house, too many people, I hope you have a large home in the meantime.

  5. Cappy, on the video it looks like everyone from Ireland was on that street. I want to know who was back home minding the sheep?
