17 February, 2014

Oh, the nerve! Dragon becomes unhappy and I get a laugh

17 February 2014

R. Linda:

I had PT an hour ago, and the self-torture I must inflict on meself at home has shown some positive results. I was told to stick at it because it was the only way to avoid that other torture, surgery! I'm working on it. But today, I had gone in, and me regular therapist had the week off, so I got this blond Adonis who was very short but built like a truck. I be used to the gentle touch I get from me regular guy, so it was totally unsuspected that when the new guy got a hold of me, he'd be using the more . . . shall we say, aggressive approach?

He told me to lie on my stomach, and he took hold of my leg, and wow, suddenly, it seemed like I could see my foot dangling over my head! Me leg doesn't go in that position EVER, but it did. I heard something pop and thought oh no, what happened? But oddly enough, when he stopped and told me to get off the table and walk, I felt amazingly better. Though at the time . . .

But enough about me and the torture chamber. Back in New Jersey, things were getting stupid (as they always seem to do when Dragon is involved). I heard from Tonya when I got home from PT, and she had what she thought was an annoying story about her family for me. I didn't find it annoying. I found it amusing at the Dragon Lady's expense. The "incident" happened some months ago, and Dragon cannot let it go. She had been over to visit her son, and well, when she got home, she rang up her daughter to complain.

This is how it goes:

Dragon and Big Tony have a property in Roselle Park, New Jersey. It was their first house, and most of their kids grew up there. They moved to Cape May eventually because Big liked the shore and had done well for himself (he had his own construction company), and his dream was to live in one of the big Victorian homes that faced the ocean and beach. But Big couldn't let go of the old house in Roselle Park (memories and all that you know), so he rented it out to the family. His Aunt Baba recently lived there until she died last year, so the house has been vacant. One of his sons has a job in Union so it would be convenient to live in Roselle Park . . . free. So Dragon, knowing her son was going to the Bahamas for holiday with his wife and two kiddos, decided to go over and have the house cleaned up and fresh paint inside and whatever needed fixing got fixed.

She spent two weeks in the hallway that leads from the front door to the back of the house in particular. She had the walls primed and painted and had the place tidy and ready when her daughter-in-law's mother rang her up and asked if she could come over to "Baba's house" and help Dragon get the "kids" furniture in and decorate for their return from the Bahamas. Now Dragon doesn't exactly like her daughter-in-law's parents (French Canadians originally from Quebec) because the first time they had dinner together in a fancy restaurant, Muriel (the mom) asked her daughter in front of Big Tony, her son-in-law, and her own husband, how "Mimi" (the daughter) had made out at the Gynaecologists. Big was embarrassed, the son was wondering what was going on that his wife was at the gynaecologist's office, and Muriel's husband was the only one who took it all in stride. Well, it seemed Mimi explained in graphic detail the birth control device she was having inserted and well, the Abdullahs were horrified. After that, there were no dinners out where the waiters stopped to listen to such intimate feminine details, and frankly, there were no more dinners that included the in-laws . . . EVER.

So when Muriel asked to come over once all the grunt work was done, to do the fluff stuff, Dragon was not a happy camper. Deciding she would make Muriel do the kiddie decorating work, Dragon informed the woman that she would leave the key under the mat. Muriel would have to do furniture placement as Dragon had to be elsewhere that day, and oh, so sorry can't even drop by. Well, Muriel was okay with that, and Dragon should have been leery of that, but no, she didn't catch on.

That night she got a call from Muriel telling her all was set for the "kids" return. Curious at how the place looked, Dragon rode up the next day to check it out. Oh my, what she saw. That long hallway she worked so hard on had photographs from one end to the other. And the pictures were of the in-laws and daughter from infancy to all grown up. Yup, just the parents and daughter throughout the years. But on the table in the hallway was one frame with no picture in it, just a post-a-note that said: Abdullahs - Him and Her. Yes, indeed and to this day that frame was never filled. It's in the drawer of that very same table, empty. The photographs are still up, and Dragon makes disparaging noises every time she visits. Yes, she does.

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  1. lol dragon's in-laws might be even crazier than she is

  2. awwww see there's more than one dragon in the world. I guess they just don't recognize their own.LOL
