27 October, 2013

The Haunted Wine Glass

27 October 2013

R. Linda:

I went out to do a dinner review. I was quite looking forward to the idea of tasting what had been billed as exceptional food and writing about it. What a cushy assignment! I had a dinner companion with me so we could order two choices of entree. The idea behind this place is to serve a 7-course dinner in the beginning and afters are the same for everyone, but you have a choice of either a beef dish or seafood for mains.

Now to get to this place, it is out in the middle of the woods quite literally. It is a long drive, and once you get into the rural section there are no homes, no nothing and it looks quite a bit foreboding that you are being taken out to be murdered in the middle of nowhere. Yes, it is like that it be, the woods -- dense, the time - dark, the travel -- far far away from civilisation! I know I need to calm down.

We tried not to let our imaginations get too far afield we did, though I caught me dinner companion giving me sidelong glances (I did the same) as we ventured deeper and deeper into the dark forest of no return. I know I be getting silly.

Well, as we came down the twisted dirt road where the trees hug the edges of the road in a gnarled fashion, we took it slow not to hit one as it was a narrow space, room enough for one car (which had us biting fingernails in the hope we did not meet another motor coming -- because frankly, I have no clue where we would pull over to let one of us by). I know I'm off again.

Anyway, my companion spotted lights in the wooded distance. I stopped the car, dust enveloping us from the dry roadbed and there, yes there in the distance was a light, one single light!

"Hum, you think we are near?" I asked.

"Possibly?" Was the hesitant questioning answer.

Yes, that was what I liked, optimistic positive surmising. Only I wasn't getting that. I was getting possibilities and lots of maybes.

"Okay then," I said and put the motor in gear. I followed the twists and turns away from the light! I was like NO, that had to be it, but how do you get there? Well, after mumbling this and my companion mumbling back discouraging things, I kept on the twisted path until the light appeared again, and yes, it was the same light and there were cars parked all in the woods, new models not abandoned junks so we knew we had reached what was a parking lot . . . of sorts. But the place was a distant walk, and me being lazy (and I know I shouldn't write this), I still had the Dragon-in-law's temporary handicap placard, and so drove on nearer the restaurant and yes, there were two handicap spots right in the front. I slapped that placard on the dash and put the motor in park and Voila! We both got out and limped to the door, oh don't say a word I know what you're thinking.

The restaurant is an old New England cape built back in the late 1700s. It was decorated with pumpkins and fall flowers and one big arse tree was outside giving me companion imaginings of the flick Poltergeist, which were voiced to me as I came under the canopy of the gigantic arms of that tree. I ran for the door! I know I'm off on a tangent again.

We got to the old screen door, I opened it and it creaked. Yes, R. Linda, the thing creaked like a haunted house door! It did not help that me companion made a throaty noise of dread. That caused me to turn and look at him with disapproval, but I doubt he could see my expression in the dark. So we stepped inside to where there was the sound of chatter, the lights were low like candlelight (which it was), and a robust cheery woman came to the room entrance, took our names and seated us.

Okay, we were inside, all looked well or seemed so. There was Celtic music playing low and it was soothing. I saw there was a carafe of water with lemon and mint on the table so I poured us both a water glass and we looked around taking in the place. It was charming! Simply charming with its candlelight-washed walls, low ceilings, and fireplace, all decorated for harvest time. And the dinner was harvest-themed, it is one of three given all year, so this is quite the thing to get one of the coveted tables to dine there. But we had reservations, I ask ya, are we smarty-arses or what? I know smug me, but what can I say?

So we were offered a glass each of wine, and since I was having the beef dish I ordered red, and my companion -- the seafood dish, ordered the white. I must say the white was chilled nicely and as I watched the server pour I was thinking how delicious it looked, but no I was having beef, must stick to the red. Sigh, but that white wine was on me mind. I wanted to reach over while my mate wasn't looking and take a quick sip, but refrained.

The first course was a delectable harvest chowder which is pronounced "Chow dah" in these parts, followed by a Charcutier over Arcadia Greens with poached pears and roasted figs (to die for), along with warm artisan bread and fresh creamery butter. We were served a sorbet with an interesting little Szechuan button on top. Now I've had these before, they resemble Chinese Szechuan peppers but they are anything but. They are from Brazil and are considered flowers I believe. Anyway, they give your taste buds quite an interesting sensation if you opt to eat them and yes they are edible. If you have wee ones you've had pop rocks I'm sure, and the sensation is much like that. It lasts for a very long time, and in many cases causes salivation to such an extent you are just short of drooling. My companion likened the sensation to putting his tongue on a fresh battery and keeping it there for a moment. He felt an electric sensation through his lips and tongue and a tingling that lasted a long time. I don't know of anyone who does that with a battery, but apparently, it is a pastime of his. Who knew? It does send a cooling feeling in your throat, and I advise caution not to have more than one of these buttons ingested.

Sorbet with Szechuan Button (the yellow thing)

I looked at his frosty cold white wine glass and licked me lips. It just looked so damn inviting and I thought it would kill the Szechuan sensation better than the red. Then I sighed again, gave it up and took a sip of my red.

It was during the intermezzo that suddenly his wine glass decided to slide its way to my side of the table. Mind you the table was not on a slant, there was no condensation on the glass top of the table, nor any rumblings of the earth to shake the floor and thus the table. He put it back without thinking and as he set it down the glass did the same thing a second time to which we were startled. He took it back and it moved again and this time caught the eye of the waitress who was decidedly spooked by it. We set it back one last time and zip it came back and then moved back. Here look for yourself.


Three times it did this! Was I supposed to have white wine or what? Had the ghostly maitre d' haunting the abode read my desire for that white wine and offered me the glass by sliding it towards moi? Hum?

The waitress tentatively moved towards us trying to not be noticed by the surrounding diners. I mean she and we, did not want a mass exodus suddenly when everyone else got wind of the floating wine glass. She said quietly, "Do that again." I did. I moved his glass back in front of him and there it was coming back at me. But then it slid back to him. This unnerved her and she whispered, "We didn't just see that!" Well, we did!

I had the presence of mind to get out the trusty mobile phone and film it! And film it I did, several times.

I tell ya it was strange, no, bizarre, no, forget that, it was damn unnerving. Why do these things happen to me? Ever since I moved to New Hampshire I have seen things, yes R. Linda, I have! Crazy, unexplainable THINGS from before I moved up here until the present day. Is there a lab of sorts up here we don't know about, that creates crazy-looking animals (remember the thing that bounced along with me car?) and strange beams of lights that look like eyes (remember the stormy night and another dinner out where we had a red sky like we were suddenly transported to Mars, with the moon shining and the rain and then hail coming down?) and the strange sounds we hear in the woods (does Bigfoot live in the deep, dark forest of New Hampshire or even worse, me backyard?). I don't know what is going on up here, but I'm starting to document these things now.

I sent my footage to the Weasil, who put music to it. It looks a bit disjointed at one point, I videoed it coming at me and then it suddenly went back so I quickly turned me video back on and filmed it again. Anyway, no explanation, no ideas, no clue, just a spooky wine glass.

Happy Halloween!

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved


Tomas said...

As they say in your neck of the woods, thats wicked cool!

mobit22 said...


Only you would have these experiences! Damn! I'm jealous!LOL

as for the placard? been there done that. borrowed one then told a kid to limp and then we all limped. we looked stupid to say the least.

Fionnula said...

that is spooky!!

Maggie said...

What a good time! LOL - I love when things happen for no plausible reason. Ghostly place, huh? Perfect story for Halloween.

Capt Jaack said...

Cappy, either you or your camera had too much to drink mate! You did give me a great idea for Halloween treats for the small fry, Szechuan buttons!

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

NO, NO, NO!!! Don't ya do it Captain. The kiddos drool all on their own they don't need help! Oi!

Dew said...

That is soooo creepy I would have loved to have been there to see it in person. Mind you, I think it would have scared the heck out of me lol