24 December, 2012

Christmas Music

24 December 2012

R. Linda:

I just wanted to wish you a happy Christmas and also a happy one to those who follow me blog and the other bunch that just read it. I would have done this sooner, but I have been battling a stomach bug given to yours truly by Guido who first introduced it into the family. Me da was the last to get it, but we are all doing better. Well, I was until something stupid was requested of me and now the something stupid has got me so I could tear me hair out.

We have when we bought the abode a rather nice sound system we never use. So this year me da who is heavily into Christmas, said I should record some Christmas music off iTunes and then we'd put it in the player and have festive, holiday music. Well, I was feeling none to well, but I did it just for him. And what happens? He informs me that me MP3s won't play on the cd player. He was all upset about this, my solution was to go out and buy a few holiday CDs and be done with it. BUT NO. It took him two days to figure out how to convert the MP3s to the cd but he did it. Not only did he do THAT but he made a playlist! I was like for what do we need a playlist? Gees the man.

So for the past three days, I've been subject to constant NON-STOP Christmas music over and over and over . . . until I be near ready to be driven to the mental institution I don't go mad.

I hear it in me head when it isn't playing. I hear it in me sleep when it shouldn't be playing. I hear it all the freaking TIME! So I just wanted to tell you, that when you come visit me in the loony bin, bring me fudge, DO NOT bring me Christmas music. Thanks.

Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved


mobit22 said...

AW HECK! I was thing fudge AND Christmas music!LMAO
feel like you're riding in the elevator to HELL? OR locked in a department store that has no exit?LMAO

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Yeah the department store music came to mind it did. Gees. But wait, it gets better. I'll write up TONIGHT'S bizarre happenings as soon as I can next story.

mobit22 said...

I just caught my own TYPO! shoot me now!