07 December, 2011

Wedding News and it isn't Pippa!

07 December 2011

R. Linda:

Well, like a proud papa I would like to say that the news that our Irish lass Sinead O'Connor is to wed in Las Vegas, Nevada came at me like . . . like having snow dump from branches of a tree on me unsuspecting head. I was like WHAT? Okay I know you think I give too much time and energy to me fascination with Ms. O'Connor, but you have to admit, her coming forth after so long of being album-less and saying what she did about Pope Benedict, then the idea of suicide, the funny monkish haircut, the huge weight gain, the bi-polar diagnosis, and the dating seminar . . . well be it any wonder?

I believe we have a mental illness here unchecked and I don't want to make fun of her for that. Instead, she alarms me. But she won't stop and get help, instead, she gets engaged.

Okay, so here's the scoop. Marriage plans first, the lucky laddie is one Barry Herridge (from Raheny, Dublin see photo below) and I be not sure what he does for a living exactly but it may have to do with addiction counselling and I for one, think that be ideal in the case of marriage to Ms. O. That he's her fourth trip down the aisle . . . what can I say, but that one can hope this might be THE one?

A follower sent me a photo of the happy couple

Further, Ms. O has, I was told by those who know, shaved the monkish do off and be once again a baldie. For a wedding present, I would send her a Man U hoodie but I be not sure if that article of clothing not be banned in Ireland. Oh well, me intentions were good.

I also must tell you that Sinead is half the lass she was! Yes, and here's the thing, she was misdiagnosed with bipolar disease and seems she is not bipolar at all. No, she's as sane as you and I (I personally don't think so, I think she's taken too many turns around the bend for that and I rather like the fact she's a wee bit off her nut as long as no harm comes her or anyone else's way). The result of this eye-opening information, be that the meds she was taking for the bipolar condition were no longer needed and as a result, she has lost quite a significant amount of poundage or stoneage (depending upon where you be from). Yes, R. Linda, the meds were packing on those pounds! Here see for yourself. The photo is from the Independent i.e.

And to Sinead: well Sinead I hope you have found the man of your dreams and the wedding goes as planned, and you keep singing for a very long time, but I will hope just a wee bit the craziness will pop out every so often so we know our feisty Sinead be not a memory but a hot-tempered, hot-blooded lass of the green sod of Ireland still, expounding upon issues she thinks need it and never showing her back to her fans. God love ya Sinead, I wish you the best.

For previous stories on Sinead see Oh Sinead, Sinead, Sinead Sept. 25, 2011 and Banning Certain Items of Clothing and Is THAT Sinead O'Connor? March 9, 2011.

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Fionnula said...

ooohhh not again

mobit22 said...

YAY!!! I personally love Sinead, crazy or not! GUTS she's got GUTS!

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Which one are you again? The one in the middle?

mobit22 said...

SIGH!LMAO I'LL find another hobbit so you'll recognize me!