04 July, 2011

There's The News Media And Then There Is Me Paparazzi!

04 July 2011

R. Linda:

I tell ya I never felt so abused as I did today by me own profession. We can't stand each other and we all have to have the story first. Cutthroats, and backstabbers, all guilty of disorderly conduct when it comes to each other. Well, I have put up with this behaviour in the big city, but never thought I'd have to claw me way to do my job in small town USA.

I got the family to Amherst and parked way way way far away since there was no getting into the village. I left everyone to run on to the common to set meself up for the parade and get a possible few words from Mitt Romney and maybe a few photos. This behaviour, which was necessary because technically I was working, was met with grumpy words from the Dragon-in-law about not helping with me kids. Well, she wanted to come to be with the kiddos so this was her chance as far as I was concerned.

I got to the common and looked around, I found my camera person and asked her what the lay of the land was. She told me Mitt would be coming up from down where the general store was and that he had a press gig scheduled. So we both packed up our equipment and made our way down there. I passed my own family who had staked out across the way from the general store. The kiddos had balloons and for the most part, a lot of people thought Guido was dressed up for St. Patrick's Day. The buzz in the crowd was he was such a cutie. They should only know.

To be able to do me job I went across from them because I knew if I was there and Mitt came, Dragon would find something to distract me and opportunity lost. I am wise to her by now. So I got me camera person set up and I got out me recorder, and the parade started and it was rather grand for a small town. There were police bagpipers, Shriners in small cars, Minutemen with musket fire, floats, clowns, candidate supporters, fire engine after fire engine, and a rather top-of-the-line new ambulance, and a guy with a water hose (no clue). On the green itself were vendors and lots of artwork, a very busy place. I could see the family enjoying themselves and had a pang of jealousy I should be with them, but I reminded meself I was WORKING.

Finally, Mitt Romney and John Huntsman appeared. Huntsman was high-fiving the crowd as he saw a few supporters running after him, but me main man Mitt had a circle of blue-shirted bodyguards around him that made it almost impossible to see him. Here's the first picture.


Well, this was politician abuse, it is when I have to run after the source of my questions and they are hoofing it off with me and me camera person fighting off spectators and the rest of the media trying to catch up. I must have been a sight, yelling, "GOVERNOR" and nothing.

Finally, the governor came to the end of the parade route where he was giving a speech to his supporters on the green. Well, I will say it was easier to run after him than put up with not only local news but the national network people who looked down their noses at the print media. I was getting kind of mad at that. I'd move forward and they'd elbow me back like I was a prat with an agenda. Gees.

So our next shot was this:

Not much better but we are getting there

So one more time I tried to get around to the front of Romney, dragging me camera woman with me and we were held back physically by the electronic media AGAIN, but I kept going dragging them and me camera girl with me and so this was the next shot she got (see below). SIGH.

I am tall and that is me saving grace in these situations. I was hoping Mitt would recognise me but he was busy talking and being personable, so I don't think he even noticed. Anyway, I had me a wonderful sight line and got my camera person up in front and she lined up a shot and was ready to snap it when this media paparazzi in front of us turned around and saw us and had the nerve to reach up and bring the camera down. I was like WTF?

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded.

"And who are you?" He asked, "Print?" And he sneered.

I ignored him and we reset the shot, me giving her room to get in front of me and set it up and as she did I shoved the arse who once again was going to keep us from Romney. Yeah, we were going to duke it out, I knew it, but I wasn't taking that crap. So before he could get back to me (I had shoved him pretty much into the group on me left so I knew it would take a minute for him to come back at me. I picked up my camera girl and quickly she started shooting). I had me right in front of the main man and was happy to get these pics and a few questions in.


Mitt Answering me question 
We did it!

So there you have it, we got the pics and questions in, despite the paparazzi media that would elbow, kick, block and keep us from our job because we are lowly print media. 

I am home and icing a few black and blues. But worse than the bruises was Dragon giving any who would listen a blow-by-blow of me being aggressive and shoving some poor little man out of the way so I could be the big news honcho. And who did I think I was, Andre the Giant lifting that woman with the camera up off the ground? I tell ya I wanna shove the woman, or feed her to a shark. 

Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved


  1. SHARK?! Sounds like a plan.LMAO
    You actually picked her up?LOL
    Sorry,, I don't watch tv news. I get it from reading. I'm biased.LMAO

  2. Did the in-laws leave yet? LMAO As for Romney what a nice looking man for an older guy! You're going to look like that when you get older right Gabe? ;+)

  3. Did you notice he isn't worried about wrinkles? LOL Yeah I'll look like that.
