14 March, 2011

Guido gets a new pet

14 March 2011

R. Linda:

Well, let me tell you that life at our house can be overly exciting and taxing on a mother's nerves it can. Poor Tonya! There me poor darlin' was, she had cleaned up the house since she was feeling a little better, had taken a shower, had on her comfy fleece jammies and her hair wrapped in a towel turban looking like her mother! OH don't tell her I said that, LOL, but the towel turban, yup smacks of mammy-in-law the Dragon Lady. So anyway, she made herself a nice hot cuppa, got a magazine, and took herself to the couch for some rest and relaxation. Now, O'Hare was colouring on the kitchen table, all happy to be busy and Guido, well just where was Guid?

I had been in and out trying to get the snow plough off the compact car. I had not been very successful because the bolts were sort of sheared off and well, no matter how I banged on that damn thing I couldn't separate it from the car front, which means I will have to bite the bullet and call that dastardly Percy. So there I was washing the grease and grim off me hands when I saw the back of Guido walking into the living room.

I hear Tonya say to him, "Aw sweetie what have you there?"

And the boyo is standing in front of her being very careful holding his toy and petting it. I assumed it was the toy hamster we had such a time with over Christmas. Then suddenly Tonya is on her feet and in animated horror, her voice shaking, she telling Guido to "put that down now, just drop it, honey."

Curious, I went in and there she was standing with her fingers jammed in her mouth and there he was petting his new toy.

"Whatcha got there boyo?" I said walking further in.

He held his hand up cupping a brown furry toy and petting it.

"La Guardia, put that down, drop it!" His mother directed again.

I looked closer and as he dropped it, I saw what it was, it was a dead mouse! Guido had picked up a choice morsel that Mr. Kits had deposited somewhere in the house, thinking it was a stuffed toy!

"Gabe, get that thing out of here, and YOU young man come with me quickly." And off she hauled him as I stood there looking down at a dead field mouse. Hum, I thought as I looked up into the face of a smug cat sitting on the couch top watching all this.

"YOU!" I pointed at Mr. Kits, "YOU are responsible for this. Why am I always cleaning up YOUR messes?" As if the cat cared or even understood me, it just seemed to be smiling at me like, "Well, too bad buddy, hahaha."

Meanwhile, Guido was stripped of clothing and put into the tub directly for a really good scrub down. Clothing was shoved in the washer and I, looking for the brush and dustbin to scoop the tragic "toy" up with. When I came back the "toy" was missing. I didn't have far to look, Mr. Kits was walking off with it, tail in mouth. I ordered him to come back, but of course, he ignored me and kept on walking. There I was with the hand broom trying to swipe the thing out of his mouth while holding the dustbin under his chin, but to no avail. Damn cat had that thing clamped in his growling mouth and he was not letting it drop.

By the time Tonya had the baby cleaned up and re-dressed (he was one bright red and shining kid), I still hadn't managed the job much to her displeasure. I looked up for one second to answer her, just one second, and when I looked back Mr. Kits had disappeared, mouse and all.

I have not heard the end of it, that I, yes I, lost the diseased mouse, and it's in our house someplace and heaven help me if the kidlets find it AGAIN before I do.

"It's not diseased," I said, "it's just dead."

"Go have a talk with that good-for-nothing cat, Gabriel. You ask him what he did with it?"

Yeah right, like he's going to tell me. All he does is smile at me every time he goes slinking passed. I have a sneaking suspicion he's finally had his chow down and it's gone! At least I hope that's the case.

Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved


  1. glue traps I tell ya! GLUE TRAPS!

  2. Aw isn't that a sweet little story? LOL not. Mousetraps Gabe, mousetraps.
