R. Linda:
SO here be a tale that will probably have me committed, but I will tell it anyway. The night before last, around 12:30 at night, Tonya and I had just gotten into bed when we heard this noise that sounded like an ambulance trying to get through heavy traffic. You know the sound, the pulse of boop, boop, boop, and the tone sounded a wee bit off and then when that noise be turned off it makes that booooooo sound and quits abruptly, only the sound we heard did not, it became a blood-curdling wail. And it was right outside our second-story window. Both of us sat straight up in bed throwing out at each other, "What was THAT?"
I fancied it might have been an owl, but it was no owl I'd ever heard. Funny it sounded mechanical, but then like something alive, and neither of us looked out the window. I was of the mind that whatever it was had gone. We both were processing that there was no highway close by, nor traffic where an ambulance would have the need to sound its siren or whatever that be called, but like I said we were sure it was not a vehicle.
Then last night, we went off for a late Valentine's Day dinner at Pickety Place up in Mason. It was a candlelight affair and we were looking forward to it. The wind was brutal and the dirt road to Pickety was as treacherous a track as ever I've taken. I had borrowed the old neighbour's truck (his suggestion because he said the back roads were steep and we'd need four wheel to get where we were going). The road was muddy and icy, and the truck was sliding from one rut to another and I was not sure we were going to make it but the four-wheel drive was a Godsend. So just after twilight we arrived and were subject to a meal beyond comparison. Yummers. We were done around 7:38 and once again, were out in the howling wind. The temp by the way was 52 degrees, so was a little strange with the wind being up so much. We got in the truck and had to inch our way around Thyme the restaurant's resident tuxedo cat. So it took a bit because HE wasn't moving.
Once on our way, it was the mudslide of a road again and it was now twice as bad as when we came. With slow going the rule, Tonya noticed that leaves had come unglued from the snow and it seemed fall-ish to her, made more so by the full moon. We got off the dirt road onto the pavement when suddenly we were hit with a hail storm that turned to sleet. 52 degrees? I was like what just happened and the moon was still out. We road through this until we got to the highway, the entire time being buffeted by wind and sleet. Once on the highway, the sleet disappeared and we were left with moon and wind.
As we continued our journey, I started to see flashes of light like lightning but it didn't look like lightning and I know that sounds strange. It was coming from a huge red cloud. There was no big city lights (there are none really in New Hampshire like you have anywhere else) so we were eerily fascinated to be out in the middle of nowhere with a dusky red cloud in the distance and lights coming out of it.
"Looks like the clouds from Close Encounters," Tonya laughed uneasily.
And yes, yes it did, but I said that I had heard, "that last night and this, the aurora borealis be visible, maybe that's what we are looking at?"
"No, the light should shimmer and the colour would be more startling," said she, "but the red colouring could be from the solar activity on the sun. The jets are longer and larger they said on the weather station."
Ok, I thought, makes some sense and onward we drove until we were halfway to our house and suddenly we were in a downpour of rain, along with wind, debris flying, the full moon in what was a clear sky except for that giant red cloud off in the distance. I know, whooo, whooo, LOL.
Well, at the time it be unsettling it was and the rain was fierce, and the wipers did what they could for visibility. We came upon our exit being the only vehicle on the road, and to our right, there were two small red orbs that suddenly appeared and in seconds took off. Tonya said they were as high as the truck cab so they were off the ground and when they disappeared, they left a red haze after them which dissolved into the rainy night. They had dark circles in the middle of a round orb of red, the red the brightness of tail-lights (but there were none), that's how stark they were.
We both shouted, "WHAT IS THAT?" and well, we don't know. I was glad I was not alone, because if I had come home and told Tonya such a story she'd have told me I was delusional for sure. But she saw them too! I've told you in the past I've seen some pretty strange stuff up here, and now with the strange mechanical but not mechanical sound of the night before, and last night's drive with strange lights, red clouds, stranger red orbs, the moon full out in a clear sky with rain, hail, sleet and a frightful wind, I dunno what's going on.
As we were driving me mobile rang and it was me new neighbour. He's been to me house, is everything alright? I tell him we are not at home, and yes, it be fine. He says, all the lights in the house were on he thought we were having a party, so he and his friend came up to have a few drinks. Now we left some lights on because of all the home invasions, so to be told we had all the lights on was a bit weird. And little did I know even if I had been at home I would have been invaded by me neighbour and his friend. So now I had this additional thing wiggling in me brain and I told Tonya and she was spooked even more.
I know you'll tell me ET has landed and to watch out. I do think Tonya's remark when we pulled safely into our driveway was sort of funny, at least now I do, not so much last night. She said, "I don't know about you, but I wouldn't tell anyone about tonight or even last night. I don't want to end up as the new Barney and Betty Hill, do you?"
Well, here's me going off telling it, LOL. And no, I don't fancy meself a Barney Hill. But that isn't the end of this bizarre event. As we go inside (the boyos were at a sleepover) we notice the upstairs attic door is wide open. It is always locked. I went up and shut it. As Tonya came up the stairs where the door faces, the door mysteriously opened as if to say, "Come on up." Gave her the willies it did. I fixed it this morning so it won't do that, but was odd. All of it, and not all our lights were on, so I be chalking that up to me neighbour's possible intoxication.
So here be me take on trying to find a plausible explanation. I don't know what the sound was. Completely baffled on that one. But I learned today that a line of thunderstorms came up on Boston to Worcester that started with hail and went full into thunderstorms complete with lightning. So I thought since it was a severe line, the red from the cloud could have been the activity and the flashing though they did not seem like lightning nor the shimmers from the aurora, was indeed lightning from a great distance. The orbs, I be thinking could have been lasers someone was flashing, but from where I have me no clue. As for me attic door, the wind was so fierce, it probably blew in from the drafty windows up there and caused the door to open. As for all the lights being turned on me abode, I chalk that up to me neighbour having the lights turned on in his inebriated brain, I do. Mystery solved?
We will say it be another oddity of living in New Hampshire!
Here be a couple of pics of Pickety on that mysterious night.
R. Linda:
SO here be a tale that will probably have me committed, but I will tell it anyway. The night before last, around 12:30 at night, Tonya and I had just gotten into bed when we heard this noise that sounded like an ambulance trying to get through heavy traffic. You know the sound, the pulse of boop, boop, boop, and the tone sounded a wee bit off and then when that noise be turned off it makes that booooooo sound and quits abruptly, only the sound we heard did not, it became a blood-curdling wail. And it was right outside our second-story window. Both of us sat straight up in bed throwing out at each other, "What was THAT?"
I fancied it might have been an owl, but it was no owl I'd ever heard. Funny it sounded mechanical, but then like something alive, and neither of us looked out the window. I was of the mind that whatever it was had gone. We both were processing that there was no highway close by, nor traffic where an ambulance would have the need to sound its siren or whatever that be called, but like I said we were sure it was not a vehicle.
Then last night, we went off for a late Valentine's Day dinner at Pickety Place up in Mason. It was a candlelight affair and we were looking forward to it. The wind was brutal and the dirt road to Pickety was as treacherous a track as ever I've taken. I had borrowed the old neighbour's truck (his suggestion because he said the back roads were steep and we'd need four wheel to get where we were going). The road was muddy and icy, and the truck was sliding from one rut to another and I was not sure we were going to make it but the four-wheel drive was a Godsend. So just after twilight we arrived and were subject to a meal beyond comparison. Yummers. We were done around 7:38 and once again, were out in the howling wind. The temp by the way was 52 degrees, so was a little strange with the wind being up so much. We got in the truck and had to inch our way around Thyme the restaurant's resident tuxedo cat. So it took a bit because HE wasn't moving.
Once on our way, it was the mudslide of a road again and it was now twice as bad as when we came. With slow going the rule, Tonya noticed that leaves had come unglued from the snow and it seemed fall-ish to her, made more so by the full moon. We got off the dirt road onto the pavement when suddenly we were hit with a hail storm that turned to sleet. 52 degrees? I was like what just happened and the moon was still out. We road through this until we got to the highway, the entire time being buffeted by wind and sleet. Once on the highway, the sleet disappeared and we were left with moon and wind.
As we continued our journey, I started to see flashes of light like lightning but it didn't look like lightning and I know that sounds strange. It was coming from a huge red cloud. There was no big city lights (there are none really in New Hampshire like you have anywhere else) so we were eerily fascinated to be out in the middle of nowhere with a dusky red cloud in the distance and lights coming out of it.
"Looks like the clouds from Close Encounters," Tonya laughed uneasily.
And yes, yes it did, but I said that I had heard, "that last night and this, the aurora borealis be visible, maybe that's what we are looking at?"
"No, the light should shimmer and the colour would be more startling," said she, "but the red colouring could be from the solar activity on the sun. The jets are longer and larger they said on the weather station."
Ok, I thought, makes some sense and onward we drove until we were halfway to our house and suddenly we were in a downpour of rain, along with wind, debris flying, the full moon in what was a clear sky except for that giant red cloud off in the distance. I know, whooo, whooo, LOL.
Well, at the time it be unsettling it was and the rain was fierce, and the wipers did what they could for visibility. We came upon our exit being the only vehicle on the road, and to our right, there were two small red orbs that suddenly appeared and in seconds took off. Tonya said they were as high as the truck cab so they were off the ground and when they disappeared, they left a red haze after them which dissolved into the rainy night. They had dark circles in the middle of a round orb of red, the red the brightness of tail-lights (but there were none), that's how stark they were.
We both shouted, "WHAT IS THAT?" and well, we don't know. I was glad I was not alone, because if I had come home and told Tonya such a story she'd have told me I was delusional for sure. But she saw them too! I've told you in the past I've seen some pretty strange stuff up here, and now with the strange mechanical but not mechanical sound of the night before, and last night's drive with strange lights, red clouds, stranger red orbs, the moon full out in a clear sky with rain, hail, sleet and a frightful wind, I dunno what's going on.
As we were driving me mobile rang and it was me new neighbour. He's been to me house, is everything alright? I tell him we are not at home, and yes, it be fine. He says, all the lights in the house were on he thought we were having a party, so he and his friend came up to have a few drinks. Now we left some lights on because of all the home invasions, so to be told we had all the lights on was a bit weird. And little did I know even if I had been at home I would have been invaded by me neighbour and his friend. So now I had this additional thing wiggling in me brain and I told Tonya and she was spooked even more.
I know you'll tell me ET has landed and to watch out. I do think Tonya's remark when we pulled safely into our driveway was sort of funny, at least now I do, not so much last night. She said, "I don't know about you, but I wouldn't tell anyone about tonight or even last night. I don't want to end up as the new Barney and Betty Hill, do you?"
Well, here's me going off telling it, LOL. And no, I don't fancy meself a Barney Hill. But that isn't the end of this bizarre event. As we go inside (the boyos were at a sleepover) we notice the upstairs attic door is wide open. It is always locked. I went up and shut it. As Tonya came up the stairs where the door faces, the door mysteriously opened as if to say, "Come on up." Gave her the willies it did. I fixed it this morning so it won't do that, but was odd. All of it, and not all our lights were on, so I be chalking that up to me neighbour's possible intoxication.
So here be me take on trying to find a plausible explanation. I don't know what the sound was. Completely baffled on that one. But I learned today that a line of thunderstorms came up on Boston to Worcester that started with hail and went full into thunderstorms complete with lightning. So I thought since it was a severe line, the red from the cloud could have been the activity and the flashing though they did not seem like lightning nor the shimmers from the aurora, was indeed lightning from a great distance. The orbs, I be thinking could have been lasers someone was flashing, but from where I have me no clue. As for me attic door, the wind was so fierce, it probably blew in from the drafty windows up there and caused the door to open. As for all the lights being turned on me abode, I chalk that up to me neighbour having the lights turned on in his inebriated brain, I do. Mystery solved?
We will say it be another oddity of living in New Hampshire!
Here be a couple of pics of Pickety on that mysterious night.
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Pickety Place at dusk Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved |
You live by water a pond or lake I remember reading, so could be that "sound" traveled over the water & maybe sounded like it was close but wasn't? The red orbs do sound like lasers but black centers (if I understand you right) doesn't sound like a laser. Time to move!
ReplyDeleteIs that a ghost in the window?
ReplyDeleteMade you look! tsk tsk