25 September, 2010

Nothing to say

25 September 2010


Life has been particularly boring but not if you are a friend of mine, who, using a table saw managed to saw off a finger and break what was left of the other four. I can only think of the pain of it all, and find it hard to find any humour in that. But humour should be found and sent along to me mate to cheer up his spirits and get him on the mend.

I did do that, but not sure me words were appreciated, maybe in time. Meanwhile, I have had nothing of consequence happening to me of late. Just the usual, work, work some more and work again. The eldest of me sons has started school, and the other is happy to bounce around after his mother until it is time to go pick up brother, and then a scene is made because he would like his turn at staying at "chool." It's cute stuff, but there is no meat in writing about it unless you have a wee one and talk of the wee world is your interest.

But when one is pulling weeds, backing into cactus plants and watching the "daddy man" chop down old nectarine trees, well, nappies, baby-talk, and nursery school just don't cut it. Perhaps the bloodthirsty in you, on cutting off fingers would be more exciting if that happened to yours truly. But then, how would I write? No useful hand? Begorrah!

So here is a short train of thought that came me way while driving home from work. Let me preface it for you. I was driving the long drive, after a long day in bumper-to-bumper traffic when I heard a driver on me right yell at the guy in front of him (whom he knew) and laugh. It was a deja-vu moment in that I remember Weasil yelling the same thing. Funny how a sentence can remind you of a person. I thought I'd put some of those sayings out there so you can enjoy the same memories as I have when I hear one of them uttered.

Let's start with that rapscallion Weasil, the focus of this short exercise. This said when asked what someone's wife looked like (I'll write it in English so you get it since we know Weasil's command of the English written word leaves a lot to be desired). What comes to mind as a Weasilism is this:

"She had a face that would drive rats from a barn."

How about someone talking about Weasil, like meself. A Gabeism is this:

"I don't know if he should be institutionalised or in jail."

And Weasil's wife about him, when asked where he was. An Amandaism is this:

"He was cooling off with his head in the freezer."

Wolfie refers to himself coming after the Weasil for some bad deed visited upon him by the Weasil. A Wolfieism is this:

"With the hawks flying it isn't a good day to be a chipmunk."

Me wife after a dinner inspired by the Weasil. A Tonyaism would be:

"I feel like I was thrown under a bus, a car, a truck and a horse and buggy."

Me old neighbour when coming upon the Weasil zooming up his driveway. An old neighbourism goes like this:

"Whippersnapper puts his ass before his wheels and we know that's not going to be to a good end."

I'll let you think about that one, LOL.

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