03 January, 2010

Jury Duty

24 February 1006

R. Linda:

As you know, becoming a citizen of this great country, you also become eligible for jury duty. I arrived at the courthouse at 8 a.m. The room was like a sauna. They finally put on ceiling fans but by that time I had the headache from hell. Thankfully a lady in front of me offered me two Tylenols.

Here I be thinking as a new citizen I'd be overlooked. I told them at first there had to be some mistake, but no, no, no mistake, new or not I was told there would be a wonderfully informative film on me duties as an American jurist and not to worry, as long as I had a comprehensive command and understanding of the English language I was all set to jury it. Sigh.

There were two judges who had cases. Meanwhile we were shown the video orientation. Then we sat. At 10 the jury selector says that one of the judges had completed his case (meaning they settled out of court), but we still had to wait on the other one.

We were supposed to have an hour for lunch from 12:30 to 1:30. Quarter after 12 the jury selector comes back and says, "I'm sure you are all sitting here bored wondering why I don't let you go to lunch a little early. Well, I did that a couple of months ago and five minutes after I let the people go, we got the word they weren't needed and could go home. So I am keeping you until 12:30 just in case that happens again."

Are we saving the good taxpayers a few bucks for lunch?

Just before 12:30 she came back and said that the other judge completed his cases and we were excused. Um hum . . . if they showed this on Law and Order people would totally fall asleep . . . actually I DID!

Lucky for meself, I don't have to worry about jury duty for another three years. I do wonder if there is something else I will be called upon to lend meself to, but so far so good, but it be only a day from yesterday. I remain optimistic.

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