22 January, 2010

I found the Weasil's weak spot . . . FINALLY!

17 June 2007

R. Linda:

Yessir, me being fed Father's Day breakie in bed with rashers, eggs, toast and jam, topped off with fresh hot coffee was the best. Me Ton is quite a cook, more than I can say of Mrs. Weasil who can burn toast just by looking at it. Poor Weasil, I can picture it in me mind, tucked into bed nice and neat, the morning sunshine streaming in his window, all set for a delicious Father's Day breakie when in comes Mrs. W, tray loaded with egg McMuffins. Not the fare the young Weasil be used to I'd say. Cook had off, and there was only Mrs. W's non-culinary skills in the kitchen, so what would a man expect? Runny eggs at the very least.

Yesterday I accidentally (but on Weasil's count, probably purposely) met up with the Weasils at the hardware store. Now I had gone in to get a good solid push broom for me cleaning of the shed, so why I would meet up with these two characters (and baby Maxiumus or whatever he is unfortunately called), in a hardware store of all places, I don't fathom. I got the impression they saw me (on their way to me place) and made a beeline for where I went to. They don't live in New Hampshire, they live in the wilds of western Massachusetts (remember he blew his house in Scotland up?), so how it was they just happened to be in me little town, I've not a clue in the world. Somehow I think they spy on me. Anyway, as I was at the checkout with a chatty youth asking me if I had got everything I needed, and did I want this new product or try this new whatchacallitthat just came in, Weasil was in the isle behind me saying things like, "Yeah give thatie a try Gabe," and "Lookie at dissy it lookies like someone fergot to fill in da holes fer dissy here shovel." I turned around to see Weasil examining a kitty litter shovel and shook me head that the Weas had no clue or no cat.

The youth behind the counter had stopped in mid-ring of me purchases to stare at Weasil and the kitty shovel. He looked at me and I said I didn't know him. He started ringing up the broom and the heavy duty trash bags when Weasil came up with a cow bell to tell me I should purchase it so I'd have a doorbell. That about did it for me. The youth snickered (which I did not appreciate), and I said something stupid back which got me a stupid remark in return from Weasil, and as I turned to the amused youth, I said to him regarding Weasil, "This from someone who is having a pirate patry." He laughed, Weasil did not and said with much indignation, "You make me sound like Ima 12."

I wanted to say your brain is, but I refrained. I had actually hurt his feelings. Can you believe it? No matter what insults I have in the past hurled in his direction, he never got hurt feelings until now. I be of a mind this pirate party be important to him. Har! OR, this is a ploy that if I don't host if, he'll be mad at me forever. That might be a good thing. He has already told me he wants to come as Captain Jack Sparrow and for the life of me, I swear it would be the same person because Weasil IS Captain Jack without the eye makeup. I was told to come as Captain Hook since I would be reprising me role from a few years ago. Oi!

So here be the question: Should I have this insane party or not? Do I want to keep the pesky Weasil as a friend, or not? Do I really want to see him come rescue me the next flood in a row boat built for one? Or, do I want to keep him around to moon the Jehovah's Witnesses? Quandary for sure.

I think I'll take me friend Jordie's advice. He said on this very subject, "You really do have to feel sorry for him. I know he has a ditzy wife, a whole lot of too much money, too much time on his hands, but you're the only adult male role model he has. Plus, you take him as he is and eventually he'll either grow up (not likely) or, he'll get tired of all the parties (you wish). You have to admit, he's good for a tale or two, plus he's good comic relief if nothing else. Another plus, he might not have common sense, but he admires you and maybe some time in the far distant future (?) maybe, he'll do something truly great . . . if he doesn't hurt himself first. You do have to ignore the stupid comments, pretend he's a mentally challenged person and you're his underpaid caretaker. I do that with Weas's wife, I talk loudly AT her and pretend she's deaf -- she'll get over it."

So, with all that sage advice in mind I guess Weasil is a keeper.

Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved

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