20 January, 2010

Guests for a night in a nick

28 May 2007

R. Linda:

To continue this awful journey to the Highlands, we made it back to a small town that totally escapes me memory. We were taken to the local nick for the night since there were no accommodations.  Actually, I don't think there was an inn to be had there, all I remember seeing was three homes on the main road. Anyway, it was the middle of the night and no one was going to be awakened to find room for three displaced and wet souls. I should correct that to three disgruntled souls. One in particular, was chattering on like a grackle about paying for a battered Land Rover, one was disappointed the other didn't go over the cliff with the Rover, and the last one, that be me, was too pooped to care. All I wanted was to get warm and go to sleep to forget where I was and who with.

The next morning waking up in a cell was sobering. One of us was already up and gone off to find a taxi, bus, train, any mode of transportation he could find to get him the hell out of where he was. That be Jordie. I sat on the edge of me uncomfortable cot wondering if the aches I felt were from the hard cot, or from me falling down in the mud the night before. The Weasil was eating donuts in the police office and downing cup after cup of sweet tea. I noticed this through the bars and when he got to the last donut I whipped meself up, not before the burn set in telling me me body was more than a wreck, and I lunged into the office, grabbed the last donut with super human effort before it hit his open mouth and stuffed it in me own.

The policeman who had brought us in, offered me tea and outright informed me that me young friend was a bona fide pig. He had eaten most all the donuts and what was left was a plate of crumbs that I was surprised young Weasil didn't pick up and lick the plate of. Voracious appetite that one.

As I was sipping tea, Weasil got a call on his mobile. Seemed he had got a rather exorbitant gas bill and he had a call in on dispute of the matter. He was put on hold and upon being put there, he handed me his mobile and told me he was off to the water closet, would I handle the matter for him. I wasn't surprised he had to go after the consumption of a massive amount of sweet tea, and so resigned, I listened to the elevator music. Our host, the policeman left me for his own phone, so I was quite alone. Suddenly the music stopped and I listened but no voice spoke, so I began saying hello, hello, hello? A voice came on a Mr. Sidney, and he said, "Sir, I have been looking over your large gas bill, and agree it is rather high for this time of year. It's possible you are being charged for the gas used during the explosion that destroyed your house." I sat there speechless.

All I could think to say was, "Okay." Just then Jordie came in telling me we had a cab outside and let's go. I pocketed Weasil's mobile still stunned and went out after Jordie who noticed someone was missing.

"For sure lets just go," I said.

"We can't do that. How would it be we left him?"

"Tink (think) man how much easier our travels will be without him. He's got us into mucky situations for the bollocks of it," I countered. But before we could do anything Weasil came out all jolly faced and got in beside us. Such is life.


Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved

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