R. Linda:
The dog sitting be over for me fine self. I didn't hang out next door like I thought I might because the evil wee dog would dog (excuse the pun) me every move. The hot panting breath on me shorts-clad legs and the drool on me sandal-clad ankles didn't do it for me.
Alas, the owners returned Saturday evening, and I was FREE! But then something awful happened, me air conditioner stopped working and it was bloody hot. It would only go figure that might happen to yours truly, not being able to go next door and enjoy me neighbour's cool abode until me own be fixed. No, life doesn't work that way for me.
The only saving grace was that I did not have the Pee Cat on me head during me heat spell. I know for sure I'd have murdered the Pee Cat in me sleep because the heat would have fried what was left of my brain.
I have been uncomfortable in this heat. I did call in the powers that be to fix the contraption, but they cannot come until Friday, such is their busy schedule. I called a few other places and the same thing. I called the first place back, begging them (it wasn't pretty) to please come fix me unit because I was going mad. They said if they got a cancellation, well, out they'd be. I don't hold much hope today will be the day.
I even fought with the heavy drapes to open me windows, but I swear Nadia hammered them all shut to be sure no air or sunlight entered. Sigh.
This morning, I found my sweaty self up at 5 a.m. dripping—I tell you, dripping in me own sweat! My sheets were all crinkled and damp from the heat, and no matter how hard I tried to keep my eyes closed (to keep my sweat from dripping and burning me eyeballs). I couldn't go back to the world of oblivion. I got up, cursing everyone and everything, including myself and the Pee Cat.
R. Linda:
The dog sitting be over for me fine self. I didn't hang out next door like I thought I might because the evil wee dog would dog (excuse the pun) me every move. The hot panting breath on me shorts-clad legs and the drool on me sandal-clad ankles didn't do it for me.
Alas, the owners returned Saturday evening, and I was FREE! But then something awful happened, me air conditioner stopped working and it was bloody hot. It would only go figure that might happen to yours truly, not being able to go next door and enjoy me neighbour's cool abode until me own be fixed. No, life doesn't work that way for me.
The only saving grace was that I did not have the Pee Cat on me head during me heat spell. I know for sure I'd have murdered the Pee Cat in me sleep because the heat would have fried what was left of my brain.
I have been uncomfortable in this heat. I did call in the powers that be to fix the contraption, but they cannot come until Friday, such is their busy schedule. I called a few other places and the same thing. I called the first place back, begging them (it wasn't pretty) to please come fix me unit because I was going mad. They said if they got a cancellation, well, out they'd be. I don't hold much hope today will be the day.
I even fought with the heavy drapes to open me windows, but I swear Nadia hammered them all shut to be sure no air or sunlight entered. Sigh.
This morning, I found my sweaty self up at 5 a.m. dripping—I tell you, dripping in me own sweat! My sheets were all crinkled and damp from the heat, and no matter how hard I tried to keep my eyes closed (to keep my sweat from dripping and burning me eyeballs). I couldn't go back to the world of oblivion. I got up, cursing everyone and everything, including myself and the Pee Cat.
I have sat here from 5:15 a.m. to now (7:58 a.m.), counting the seconds and hours until the stores open. I plan on marching down there and buying the biggest kick-arse fan I can find and lugging it up me stone steps to the vampire manse I live in. I plan on planting it in the hall doorway where there is some coolness and turning it on full tilt. So what if it blows away the furniture? I will be COOL.
I must conclude here because I be too hot, and the computer is oozing unwanted heat. I will go back to the front foyer, lay meself down on the cool tiles with me alarm clock, and wait for 9 a.m. to roll around, at which point I will bolt out the door and go to the store.
Wish me luck.
Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved
I must conclude here because I be too hot, and the computer is oozing unwanted heat. I will go back to the front foyer, lay meself down on the cool tiles with me alarm clock, and wait for 9 a.m. to roll around, at which point I will bolt out the door and go to the store.
Wish me luck.
Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved
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