07 November, 2009

My date, this is a serious letter, no amusing moments :(

February 2003

R. Linda:

Ok the date went well, better than expected. Seems Chloe broke off with the boyfriend at the office Valentine party down at the First Amendment. I decided to take the bull by the horns yesterday afternoon and gave her a ring up. Your suggestions inspired me to take a chance. She answered the phone like death warmed over (probably thought I was a telemarketer), but when I said me name she perked up. I noticed that and thought, hum time to go to step 2.

I got the pleasantries out of the way, then I asked her if she'd seen GANGS OF NEW YORK she said, "I'd love to see GANGS with you, Gabe." I made the time arrangements and we were all set.

I knew she lived not too far from me, within walking distance, so I met her outside her place walking her dog. She invited me in while she put the dog up and I must say the place is quite a bit nicer than mine.

Since we had some time and the theatre wasn't far, we decided to walk on up to Starbuck's. We had a good chat about her life, me life, and she told me she'd been attracted to me from the get-go, but was in a sorry relationship that she felt she needed to pursue to see if Bob was the right one and we know he wasn't.

I was flattered I was, and I hope I didn't show it. How uncool would that be? We got to the movie and sat through 45 minutes of previews! The movie was somewhere around three hours long and belaboured in places, but the acting was strong and that made up for the length of it. Afterward, we went to a small pub for a snack and a drink. All and all, it was a good time. I be seeing her again next Saturday, so there you are. I did it, I rang her up, we went out, we have an another date, and all is well with Gabriel. ;)

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