06 November, 2009

A Chronicle of an Irishman's Life in Boston - HELLO BOSTON!

01, August, 2002
Story #2

R. Linda:

Been a day and then some! So much for me first day of unpacking. I hired a housekeeping service and they sent me over an old biddy with a vacuum cleaner who would look more at home popping bonbons in front of the telly. She even asked if me set was hooked up and if she could watch her "soaps" as she cleaned. She stood in one spot watching without moving. The only thing moving was her gum-chewing mouth and her arm. I was quite certain there would be no carpet left in that small space by the time her "soaps" were over.

I left her to ransack the place while I went to the greengrocers (to you - a grocery store) to stock up on food so I wouldn't starve. At least I can cook, but I haven't any pots or pans. Do paper plates work in a microwave do you think? I know from firsthand experience that plastic cups don't. :(

To make a long day short (or is it a long story?), the old bird had straightened up reasonably well and moved the coffee table over where I last saw her vacuuming. I haven't dared to look under it to see if any carpet is left. She asked me when I wanted her back. I looked over her ample frame and asked, "Do you cook?"

She smiled as she chewed her gum and said, "Sweetie, I can cook up your bird like you ain't never seen."

That was it, she wasn't referring to cooking poultry, I knew what she meant. I told her I'd pass and showed her to the door. I said I'd call the service and they would tell her when next I might need her . . . to CLEAN. I knew from how she looked at me that I'd be the one cleaned, cooked and in the oven.

Oh Boston, is this the way of it?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yer sure dissy here ain't me mum?