06 November, 2009

Aftermath and Bashir

7 February 2003
Story #12

R. Linda:

Having sufficiently thawed out, and not been mistaken by the populace as a walking frozen meat package, I have rung in sick this morning. I tried the hot toddy after wrapping up me mail last eve, and it did me good by knocking me the bloody hell out. BUT, I dreamed of fish all night!

This morning I awoke heavily congested and have several cold remedies that seem to help a wee bit. My cellmate, sorry, me cube mate, has been here early on her way to work to pick up copy on the ice fishing article. She is coming back on her break this afternoon with some more cold remedies and a doctor, LOL, no, scratch the doctor, only the meds, that she swears are better than what I have.

My cube mate did leave me footage of Jacko to watch since I purposely missed Bashir's interview. She told me it was an entertaining documentary by Bashir, and as I said I would, I watched it with the hope it would put me to sleep.

I fast-forwarded in an attempt to move it along because I personally, found it a labourious interview. Bashir did some bashing of his own by the end, but the real question, the one I would have asked was, "Mr. Jacko, what does your father think of how you look now?" That's the burning question in this reporter's mind and it wasn't asked. I am very offended.

Anyway, I be sitting here watching the snow pile up outside the window. I'm glad I didn't have to go ice fishing today.

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