26 April 2019
R. Linda:
I haven't slept since Sunday night, tossing and turning and being bedevilled by the lingering visual of Davos ladling out SOUP!
I cannot for the life of me get that whole idea out of me mind I can't. There we were walking in Winterfell (we being the camera) and mixed in the shades of black and grey were inmates of the castle stirring, some about their business, others getting ready for battle, and then there was the soup line! Yes, R. Linda, and dolling out soup was Davos Seaworth, the onion king! And I wanted to know why. This was their last bowl of soup as they entered the safest place in Winterfell . . . the crypts where all the dead are buried, and not all those dead are dust, no no, few are still bones, and you know what that could mean don't you? A safe place, I arse!
Anyway, back to me main concern. DAVOS -- SOUP!
When did Davos become a soup nazi? There he was in all his dark onion king clothing, measuring out soup into crude bowls one after the other, a conversation thrown in, even a Shireen sort of look-a-like with grayscale and there I was (the camera) zeroed in on Davos being taken back to the days of Shireen and sizing this young girl up with how much soup he'd ladle in her bowl. OK, then me thoughts were, IS he supposed to remember Shireen to get his anger up to meet the white walkers, OR (and I think you'll like this idea of mine) was it to make the wheels in his brain turn on the disease of grayscale and how that could be used on the white walkers and turn them to stone? BUT Davos be not Samwell Tarley (after all, it wasn't that long ago he learned to READ), so I be sure that finding a way to infect white walkers was not on the onion king's mind.
Here, I was thinking Davos would meet the red witch and do battle in Shireen's name! But no, he's in Winterfell, no red witch about the place, memory, or both, and he's got a soup kitchen going. I guess it was onion soup, huh?
What else bothered me was, since when has Daenerys Targaryen become such a power monger and queen of cruelty. I thought that was Cersi's modus operandi. I used to like Dany, thinking she would bring fairness to the 7 Kingdoms, a true and honest and honourable leader, but nope, nope, nopers, as the Weasil would say. Suddenly, since hooking up with Jon Snow, oh excuse me, her nephew Aegon Targaryen, she's changed. I, for one, definitely do NOT want her on the Iron Throne because we have one of those there already, the gloriously evil and sublime incestuous Cersei Lannister. However, a catfight between those two might be interesting since Sansa Stark would not engage. Yes, that brings me to Sansa, the young princess we were routing for to overcome all the crap that was heaped on her. There she was with murderous little sissy Arya, making waste of Littlefinger, yea I say on that, but then Dany appears, and the powerful woman image that Sansa was projecting became a snivelling bitch. Pardon me language, but the jealousy over her former brother's lover was this side of ridiculous, if not stupid. A war is coming; winter is outside the walls. Is there time for such petty foolishness? NO!
And talk about foolishness in the guise of Theon Greyjoy or Greyjoke, as you please. What was that overly enthusiastic embrace about? I was like Sansa NOOO! And even better, Theron be guarding Bran from the Night King! OMG, whose stupid idea was that? If I were Bran, I'd sprout raven wings and wing me way outta there.
I'd love it if Azor Ahai turns out to be Tyrion. No one would expect that but me. After all, he had the Valyrian dagger that Arya now sports. Yeah, but I can't forget that Bronn has the same bow that Tyrion killed Tywin with and is gunning, no arrowing, for Tyrion, and it would be just desserts now, wouldn't it, to be felled by the same bow that felled their daddy?
Yet the hint here is that Ahai has to forge his own light-bringer fire sword, and who do we know that just happens to have those handy skills? Gentry! The forgotten Barathon. But he could have already forged that weapon in the crazy-looking dragon glass design Arya asked of him. Maybe? Probably? Hum. Nah!
Gentry could save all if he is Ahai and the red witch showed up to bring light to his sabre, I mean sword. Or, Jamie Lannister could get killed, and Arya would take his face and masquerade as Jamie until she could kill Cersei with Jamie's Valyrian sword; now, there would be an interesting dessert or soup. Oh, what goes on in me head!
Then there are the spirals that are driving everyone up a pole. I will admit I noticed the Weirwood where Bran met and was marked by the Night King was shaped in a spiral, even the fallen red leaves were in a spiral. The Children worshipped the trees and, much like in Lord of the Rings, the first men made waste of the land and, in this case, chopped them down along with any Children they came across. So the Children captured a first man and, with Weirwood magic, made him into the Night King, old blue eyes, to lay waste to the men. Could the spiral, if reversed, take the white walkers and their king away, blow them into snowflakes, or whatever? Or is it fire that's needed? It's red like the sap of the Weirwoods, though I'd plant more Weirwoods if I was in Westeros. However, since the Night King represents ice and the red witch fire -- is it she we are waiting for? Is she Azor Ahai? Fire and ice? She be as old as the trees, so where is she?
Kill the Night King; you kill the white walkers, right? And in turn, the wights drop really dead for the second time? Is that how it works?
Finally, I struggled with my thoughts about who would end up with the Iron Throne, and I saw the Night King with a blue-eyed Cersei sitting next to him. Think about it, why not? She's already dressed for it. The Night King is not acting out of malice; he is more of a programmed robot, and the person acting out of malice is Queen Cersei. How better to put her wicked self paired off with someone she should admire for doing her work for her. Even better, if the Night King made her his Night Queen, she wouldn't be cruel or wicked anymore because, like him, she'd feel nothing. So maybe that's the end of it, everyone becomes a wight, and Cersei stays in power (if you can call it that). But then that whole prophecy goes out the window, so nah.
I particularly like the new opening that shows the blue ice where the white walkers have advanced. But what I like even more is the Oreo Cookies opening to Game of Thrones to sell their Throne brand cookies; well done, Oreo! Here's the link if you haven't laid eyes on this clever advertising clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmf-6TYjGuQ
If you know the answers to any of this prattle, feel free to comment BUT don't add an advert to the end because it will stay in Gabe's crypt in the deleted section.
Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved
R. Linda:
I haven't slept since Sunday night, tossing and turning and being bedevilled by the lingering visual of Davos ladling out SOUP!
I cannot for the life of me get that whole idea out of me mind I can't. There we were walking in Winterfell (we being the camera) and mixed in the shades of black and grey were inmates of the castle stirring, some about their business, others getting ready for battle, and then there was the soup line! Yes, R. Linda, and dolling out soup was Davos Seaworth, the onion king! And I wanted to know why. This was their last bowl of soup as they entered the safest place in Winterfell . . . the crypts where all the dead are buried, and not all those dead are dust, no no, few are still bones, and you know what that could mean don't you? A safe place, I arse!
Anyway, back to me main concern. DAVOS -- SOUP!
When did Davos become a soup nazi? There he was in all his dark onion king clothing, measuring out soup into crude bowls one after the other, a conversation thrown in, even a Shireen sort of look-a-like with grayscale and there I was (the camera) zeroed in on Davos being taken back to the days of Shireen and sizing this young girl up with how much soup he'd ladle in her bowl. OK, then me thoughts were, IS he supposed to remember Shireen to get his anger up to meet the white walkers, OR (and I think you'll like this idea of mine) was it to make the wheels in his brain turn on the disease of grayscale and how that could be used on the white walkers and turn them to stone? BUT Davos be not Samwell Tarley (after all, it wasn't that long ago he learned to READ), so I be sure that finding a way to infect white walkers was not on the onion king's mind.
Here, I was thinking Davos would meet the red witch and do battle in Shireen's name! But no, he's in Winterfell, no red witch about the place, memory, or both, and he's got a soup kitchen going. I guess it was onion soup, huh?
What else bothered me was, since when has Daenerys Targaryen become such a power monger and queen of cruelty. I thought that was Cersi's modus operandi. I used to like Dany, thinking she would bring fairness to the 7 Kingdoms, a true and honest and honourable leader, but nope, nope, nopers, as the Weasil would say. Suddenly, since hooking up with Jon Snow, oh excuse me, her nephew Aegon Targaryen, she's changed. I, for one, definitely do NOT want her on the Iron Throne because we have one of those there already, the gloriously evil and sublime incestuous Cersei Lannister. However, a catfight between those two might be interesting since Sansa Stark would not engage. Yes, that brings me to Sansa, the young princess we were routing for to overcome all the crap that was heaped on her. There she was with murderous little sissy Arya, making waste of Littlefinger, yea I say on that, but then Dany appears, and the powerful woman image that Sansa was projecting became a snivelling bitch. Pardon me language, but the jealousy over her former brother's lover was this side of ridiculous, if not stupid. A war is coming; winter is outside the walls. Is there time for such petty foolishness? NO!
And talk about foolishness in the guise of Theon Greyjoy or Greyjoke, as you please. What was that overly enthusiastic embrace about? I was like Sansa NOOO! And even better, Theron be guarding Bran from the Night King! OMG, whose stupid idea was that? If I were Bran, I'd sprout raven wings and wing me way outta there.
I'd love it if Azor Ahai turns out to be Tyrion. No one would expect that but me. After all, he had the Valyrian dagger that Arya now sports. Yeah, but I can't forget that Bronn has the same bow that Tyrion killed Tywin with and is gunning, no arrowing, for Tyrion, and it would be just desserts now, wouldn't it, to be felled by the same bow that felled their daddy?
Yet the hint here is that Ahai has to forge his own light-bringer fire sword, and who do we know that just happens to have those handy skills? Gentry! The forgotten Barathon. But he could have already forged that weapon in the crazy-looking dragon glass design Arya asked of him. Maybe? Probably? Hum. Nah!
Gentry could save all if he is Ahai and the red witch showed up to bring light to his sabre, I mean sword. Or, Jamie Lannister could get killed, and Arya would take his face and masquerade as Jamie until she could kill Cersei with Jamie's Valyrian sword; now, there would be an interesting dessert or soup. Oh, what goes on in me head!
Then there are the spirals that are driving everyone up a pole. I will admit I noticed the Weirwood where Bran met and was marked by the Night King was shaped in a spiral, even the fallen red leaves were in a spiral. The Children worshipped the trees and, much like in Lord of the Rings, the first men made waste of the land and, in this case, chopped them down along with any Children they came across. So the Children captured a first man and, with Weirwood magic, made him into the Night King, old blue eyes, to lay waste to the men. Could the spiral, if reversed, take the white walkers and their king away, blow them into snowflakes, or whatever? Or is it fire that's needed? It's red like the sap of the Weirwoods, though I'd plant more Weirwoods if I was in Westeros. However, since the Night King represents ice and the red witch fire -- is it she we are waiting for? Is she Azor Ahai? Fire and ice? She be as old as the trees, so where is she?
Kill the Night King; you kill the white walkers, right? And in turn, the wights drop really dead for the second time? Is that how it works?
Finally, I struggled with my thoughts about who would end up with the Iron Throne, and I saw the Night King with a blue-eyed Cersei sitting next to him. Think about it, why not? She's already dressed for it. The Night King is not acting out of malice; he is more of a programmed robot, and the person acting out of malice is Queen Cersei. How better to put her wicked self paired off with someone she should admire for doing her work for her. Even better, if the Night King made her his Night Queen, she wouldn't be cruel or wicked anymore because, like him, she'd feel nothing. So maybe that's the end of it, everyone becomes a wight, and Cersei stays in power (if you can call it that). But then that whole prophecy goes out the window, so nah.
I particularly like the new opening that shows the blue ice where the white walkers have advanced. But what I like even more is the Oreo Cookies opening to Game of Thrones to sell their Throne brand cookies; well done, Oreo! Here's the link if you haven't laid eyes on this clever advertising clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmf-6TYjGuQ
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