R. Linda:
Hola mi Amigo! This is as far as I will get on this. This will have to do until I exceed five words beyond creative.
Chapter Seven
There was a backlog of women at the entrance so we mixed in with them. On one side was Sara and on the other was I. To get us in unnoticed I called out in an Italian falsetto, "Presto! (hurry up)," and Sara shouted, "Mi scusi (excuse me), ho un appuntamento (I have an appointment), questo e il mio biglietta da visita (here's my card)." She waved the badge in the air like a pass and kept on going.
"A piu tardi (see you later)," I said and trying to run like a girl I went after her as if I was late too.
The guard called after me, and I yelled back in my falsetto, "Scusi, sono davvero spiacente (Sorry, I'm really sorry)," and I winked at him. He nodded his mind kicking into dirty thoughts I be sure. Then he did something that made me stop, he scratched. That got me to walking faster to catch up with Sara.
End of Chapter 7 and this is as far as I go with this. ;(
R. Linda:
Hola mi Amigo! This is as far as I will get on this. This will have to do until I exceed five words beyond creative.
Chapter Seven
There was a backlog of women at the entrance so we mixed in with them. On one side was Sara and on the other was I. To get us in unnoticed I called out in an Italian falsetto, "Presto! (hurry up)," and Sara shouted, "Mi scusi (excuse me), ho un appuntamento (I have an appointment), questo e il mio biglietta da visita (here's my card)." She waved the badge in the air like a pass and kept on going.
"A piu tardi (see you later)," I said and trying to run like a girl I went after her as if I was late too.
The guard called after me, and I yelled back in my falsetto, "Scusi, sono davvero spiacente (Sorry, I'm really sorry)," and I winked at him. He nodded his mind kicking into dirty thoughts I be sure. Then he did something that made me stop, he scratched. That got me to walking faster to catch up with Sara.
End of Chapter 7 and this is as far as I go with this. ;(
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