08 September, 2024

Here We Go!

 08 September 2024


R. Linda:

Last week began the thankfully short season of presidential campaigning. Yes, indeed. First up, Kamala Harris sans Tim Walz. There is something thrilling about watching Air Force 2 land, and down the ramp comes the VP herself. All smiles, she greets her greeters, waves to the press and bystanders and into a black car she gets, and it's off to a rally in Concord. She isn't alone; not only is there the Secret Service and local authorities but there is also the press corp hot on her heels. Never let it be said we aren't only loud, we are fast!


Arriving at the venue, one abandons one's vehicle if you are the press, anywhere you find a space. Then, it is run to the stands to elbow your way to the front of them so you and your trusty phone, camera, recorder, whatever the hell you have will put you at the best vantage place to snap photos and shout questions. That is until you get to the first gate and security stops you. Yes, indeed, credentials must be shown. One is gone over for metal of any kind and asked all sorts of stupid questions before one can get through, and that is only after one is checked to see if one is on THE LIST. 

The crowd

Then, the elbowing starts, the shoving your fellow correspondent to get the best place, and Bob's your uncle, you are ready. More aptly, I am prepared to do me Clark Kent job. Of course, once I have secured me vantage point, I be jostled by more press as they arrive, and the pushing and shoving gets a tad more intense. Short of name-calling, we finally settled down to WAIT. When she comes out, she looks all excited to see the crowd. Us? Maybe not so much because we start shouting at her as soon as she appears, and for the most part, she ignores our questions and waves and smiles at us like, "Maybe later." If I were her, I'd feel the same way. We, as a group, can be pains in the arse. 

And she appears! The crowd went wild.

On her way to the stage

She gave a speech centred around small businesses in New Hampshire. This concerns the voters since this is a tourist state with small businesses everywhere. The speech was well received. Everyone seemed to enjoy her presence as much as what she said had meaning to them, and they were receptive to what she proposed to do to help business in New Hampshire. 

The crowd was energised by her and excited. Harris talks about joy, and I'd say the crowd was enthused but not as energised as Bernie made them. I somehow was shoved back a row. I was in a second kind of row when I found meself in a third row! My associates were meaty types, so I didn't push back; being tall, I was just fine. 

After her speech, she stopped and talked with us

I wish all rallies could be that exciting and tame, with a candidate who genuinely seemed pleased to be here. But the good news is, we are not far from the elections, so hopefully, peace and quiet will return to our small state, at least until the next elections. We get the winter off to enjoy the snow! Yes, next up, SNOW, cursing, broken shovels, car ploughs, being snowed in, electricity down for months, and snowball fights. Yea! Can hardly wait, NOT!


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1 comment:

Fionnula said...

wow you got to see her in person lucky ducky