20 March, 2013


20 March 2013

R. Linda:

Yeah, this be springtime in New Hampshire. There be nothing more I can say about it. So enjoy what I see out me window and around me this balmy spring day. AS IF!
Can't you just smell the flowers?
See any robins?
New Hampshire in the spring (and summer)!
Well, at least I don't have to mow the lawn
Or . . . fertilise it
Yea-ah the driveways out there somewhere. I'm done.

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved


Maggie said...

Simply amazing photos.

Fionnula said...

cool pics! looks like here without the fir trees! happy spring lololol

mobit22 said...

Beautiful scenery! I'm so sad for you! It's 60 degrees here.

I won't laugh too hard, it might snow this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me you have got out of a lot chores.

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Well . . . you'll be pleased to know that next week we are to get . . . wait for it . . . more snow! I hope the weatherman is wrong. Though to be perfectly honest we get snow into April, so . . .

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Yeah all except one, the one I like the least -- SHOVELLING

mobit22 said...


LOVE the wolf icon! and Gabe get a SNOWPLOW!

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

What? I don't have a wolf icon. Snowplow? Carplow!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful place spring or no spring, beautiful

Dew said...

I LOVE the wolf icon too!! Gabe if you took those photos props to you. Really breathtaking.

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

You just love the wolf. I DID take those pictures but the credit goes to the picturesque state of New Hampshire.

Dew said...

Lol can't deny it. As to the pictures I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder too. Ok you've convinced me. I'm moving to New Hampshire!!! LMAO

mobit22 said...

If I wanted to live like that, I'd move my butt to Northern Canada or better yet, the Arctic!LMAO

Dew said...

There you go. I see a polar bear icon in the midst :-)

Capt Jaack said...

Or the face of a Canuck!

Capt Jaack said...

You should see Maine

Dew said...

Love Mobit's new icon :)