28 July, 2012

What's in a name or better who would name himself THIS


28 July 2012

R. Linda:

In all me years of being a newshound, I have heard and seen a lot of strange things. On occasion some bizarre names are thrown in too, but not as crazy as Beezow. Yeah, Beezow and there's more name after the Beezow part. Let's break this down into sections because I think this could be a nice study in what NOT to name your kid . . . or dog . . . or lizard even.

So what does it mean? Well, there are some explanations vying for attention, but mostly beezoos is the shortest distance between a product or service and its next buyers. But in this case, I don't think that's the meaning. Another is it's an exclamation used by Greek Americans when they are excited, they shout BEE ZOOS, to the untrained ear when what they are saying is BE ZEUS! Like Bejaysus (Irish) or Gadzooks (English) maybe? Anyway, the next part of the name is Doo-doo. Yup, it is. Something makes me think this be a name our friend Weasil would name one of his prodigies. . . or not.

What does Doo-doo mean? I think that's self-explanatory. So let's go on to the last part of the name, which would be Zopittybop-Bop-Bop. Yes, it is. Someone said it sounded strangely close to Zippidy-do-dah. Yee-ah. When put all together you have a mouthful of nonsense, but when called aloud, I bet it gets everyone's attention.

BUT there be a person goes by this name there is, truly. "He's not a bad-looking dude," the wife commented when she saw his picture. Hum. Anyway, his name until November of 2011 was Jeffrey Drew Wilschke. I rather think that has a certain rhythm to it. But not as much as Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop I guess. I was quite relieved to find out his parents hadn't named him the Beezow name, but I will say I've had some fun saying Bee-ZOW! I say it kamazee fashion, BEEEZOWWW!!! I know I need to be stopped.

So the question from me wife was, what kind of man be this Beezow and how did I come to hear of him. Well, it was last January 2012, I was minding me own business when I heard Maureen laughing and I went over to the wire to find out what was so funny. Well, it was all about the Beezow name -- the whole of it, yup.

It seemed the 30-year-old Beezow found himself in a wee bit of hot water he did. He was already on probation it seemed for weapons violations when he was picked up for complaints lodged by neighbours near a park in Madison, Wisconsin, for excessive drinking and drug use. Yes R. Linda he was doing all that and I surmise his party for one got a wee bit out of hand. When arrested a knife and some drugs were found on his person, supposedly. So pinched again! But once booked the official charges were listed as carrying a concealed weapon (uh that would be the knife I would guess), possession of drug paraphernalia (a bong maybe?), possession of marijuana and of course a violation of his probation. The knife, yup, that would do it, not that the rest didn't add to the crime.

So I was wondering what the court appearance was like. I mean really. Picture it, Beezow is escorted into the courtroom and I just bet when his name was announced with the charges, the entire courtroom smiled or laughed.

The Judge: Mr. Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop, do you smoke crack?

Beezow: No your honour, I don't smoke crack, but I do smoke some mighty fine weed.

Reporter me to meself: Right and it shows.

The Judge: When you changed your name from Jeffrey Drew Wilschke were you under the influence?"

Beezow: Aw man, it was like this is the coolest name ever dude! I thought chicks would dig it. Whaddaya think?

Reporter me to meself: It's better than Metta World Peace, so it isn't so bad, I guess and he's single ladies!

The Judge: Who are you kidding? Do you want to be addressed as Mr. Bop or Mr. Zopittybop-bop-bop? Just asking.

Beezow: BEE-ZOW would do.

The Judge: So Mr. Beezow when you aren't in trouble what do you do?

Beezow: I eat, I sleep, I stand, I walk around, I think . . . well that last sometimes.

Reporter me to meself: Wow can this get any more spaced?

Well, without much ado Mr. Beezow was found guilty and escorted off to a prison cell where he could still access his Facebook page. Oh yes, he can! But on the way the officers doing the escorting said he did threaten to get even with them. Just how we haven't a clue, so does this mean we haven't heard the last of Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop?

Here be the not-bad-looking Mr. Beezow (according to me wife) for your viewing pleasure. I just don't understand how he thought by changing his name to what he did, from what it was, that he'd become a chick magnet. But then this be me thinking what no one else would give a thought to.

I thought this was Captain Jaack on holiday when I first saw it I did. And for all I know it just may be. My bad.

Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved


Fionnula said...

she bop--he bop--a--we bop
I bop--you bop--a--they bop
be bop--be bop--a--lu--she bop,
oo--oo--she--do--she bop--she bop

Capt Jaack said...

Put a pirate hat on him and kohl his eyes and instant Captain Jaack ey? After this I will be forced to sink your ship next I see you Cappy.

mobit22 said...


He's ok if you like the long greasy hair type.LOL

Maybe he was listening to drums when he chose his name?

Weaz said...

ain't dat a piccy of me da? hehee

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...


Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Ooh you would be in trouble if he read this blog young weasel

Anonymous said...

Isn't that Jaack's brother Captain Zopitty-bop? You remember don't you Jaack the brother that chipped the Pearl? Isn't that him? Long lost Zopitty?

Capt Jaack said...

You know now that you mention it he does look familiar

Dew said...

Bejaysus seems more applicable. LOL