18 July, 2012

Do NOT Do This At Home

18 July 2012

R. Linda:

It had come to me attention a while ago about a woman who did something unthinkable. Ah yes, it was a few years back, and I felt sorry for the old girl I did. I did not mention it to you because it sounded bizarre, and I didn't think you'd believe me. But since then, I've heard of this rather strange incident happening worldwide and thought I'd share the story in case anyone else thinks this is a good idea.

Back on the old sod Molly R. (I won't use her real name to protect her identity) was at her house in Dublin, and around midnight she had a hankering for a ciggie. Yes, she did. Now, you may say, "Gabriel, what be wrong with that I wanna know?" And well, yes, you might indeed ask, and I will be obliged to tell you.

Our 60-something Molly had emphysema. Now you see the problem? Well, that isn't quite the extent of it. It seems it was a February night when Molly became quite a bit stressed; she did. And with good reason: her beloved brother had recently passed on, and being close to him, it was a hard thing, as it would be for most of us when close to a sibling. So I be guessing Molly couldn't sleep and her hubby being concerned for her had gotten up and brought her a glass of water and she seemed in "good form" he said at the time. So he went downstairs, and twenty minutes later he heard "BOOM!" The indoor fire alarm went off. Well, as you can imagine, that must have scared the husband, who ran upstairs to see what had happened.

What he found was his wife lying face down, her face a strange shade of BLACK, and she was unresponsive. He moved her to the bed and did CPR, but unfortunately, his efforts were for nought. She was pronounced dead at hospital. May I say as a precaution that CPR should be done on a flat, hard surface, not the bed. And if at all possible, not to move the victim. 

But what happened, you ask? Well, I will tell you. It seems after sipping some water, Molly decided to light up a cigarette, but what I didn't tell you was for three years, she had been on an oxygen machine. Somehow (I'll leave this to your imagination), the flame contacted with the oxygen flow and BOOOMMM! But that isn't what killed Molly. No, indeed, it was the scare she got from the BOOM. The coroner's report said it seemed she died instantly of cardiac arrest as a result of fright at the explosion.

Since this terrible tragedy, I've heard it happening at least a few more times, and it always seems by emphysema patients on an oxygen machine lighting up the infernal ciggie! One wants to shout, "WHAT BE WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?" It doesn't take much to know that combination isn't safe. And when one receives the machine with the mask, one is told about open flames. Moreover, if one is suffering from emphysema, one should not be smoking cigarettes. Oi! But I suppose if we are trying for a Darwin Award, we have found a great way to get one.

What about this on the side of the cylinder one can't understand?

Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved


Fionnula said...

what on the side of the oxygen tank with a picture in red of a lit cigarette in a circle with a slash through it don't they understand?

Anonymous said...

Title should be: Do Not Do This PERIOD!