28 June, 2012

Gun Toting Dublin Great Granny

28 June 2012

R. Linda:

When some of my co-workers found that I'd been to Dublin they were all atwitter over how safe it isn't. Yes, it seems they have heard Dublin of recent years be the crime capital of Ireland. What with people being punched in the head and noses being bitten off in street brawls, how did I survive it? Well, for one I did not go into neighbourhoods where it is not exactly a tourist site. I sidestepped the Liberties I did, and as I was under a time constraint, and with people who had never seen Dublin, I did not venture into places where I might be dutifully mugged or shoved, held up, or had me face rearranged. No, I did the tourist route.

If one wants to visit an authentic Irish neighbourhood they are more likely to find that spirit of welcome in the small towns and villages than one would in the city. Easy logic there as far as I be concerned, but no, one of my co-workers said, they heard there are drug wars to rival Mexico City. Well, while all countries have a bit of that going on, I didn't see any of it on Grafton Street. I know of all places right? But that is where the money is.

Anyway, I was told this tidbit about a great-grandmammy of age 69 who got caught with a small arsenal of guns and ammo at Dublin Airport a while back. A few years back to be exact. It seems it slipped Grannie's mind she had a suitcase full of weaponry. How is that possible? Well, age maybe? I know, I know those 69-year-olds out there will not be happy with that remark, but it's a possibility? But I was wondering when was the last time Granny had been to the airport? One would know that bags are x-rayed and security is in place. I had to scratch me noggin on that one.

So here's what happened, Granny (I will keep her nameless), was set to visit her sister, and arrived at security to have her bags checked, when it was discovered she was packing more than just clothing. She had a semi-automatic pistol, 6 rounds of ammo, and a blank firing pistol. These, the x-ray machine showed up quite nicely and there was no doubt Granny was a pistol-packing momma. The security personnel went to open the bag and she did warn them to take a caution. Now in court, she said she had forgotten the small arsenal was in her bag, but to warn them makes me think she remembered! This was later overlooked.

The security people at the airport thought it was all a test of their security skills because of the nice old lady's age. Hum.

Well, she was arrested on the spot, but she had good reason to be carrying, yes she did. She told the authorities her family was in a battle with local criminals who had shot at her three sons. One of their cars had been set ablaze, and even her home had been petrol-bombed and shot at! So to protect her family, she got some artillery. Yes, she did.

Now it be to me way of thinking why a gang of criminals would target an old granny and her kiddies. I think Granny and company be involved in something. Drugs? I dunno. Gun running? Hum could be? I dunno.

A search of her house uncovered more artillery. There were 3 shotguns, various boxes of ammo, and a balaclava all found in her bedroom. The balaclava gave me pause. I can sort of picture our granny decked out in a black jumper and jeans with a shotgun at the ready and a balaclava over her head ready to go out into her yard and patrol the grounds for the night. Can't you imagine that?

Not very suspicious is it?

Well, obviously not because the court found that yes indeed her story was true! Her house had been petrol bombed, her sons shot at and she was living in a war zone of sorts. And she was 69 years of age, what harm could she really do? I ask ya.

Well, she did plead guilty, but because all she said happened was verified to be the truth, the judge took all that into consideration. He said, "You sometimes reach a point where you feel you've seen everything, then something like this comes along to surprise you. I would challenge anyone to find a more exceptional and specifically unusual case. Not to condone what Ms. (Granny) did, but on a human level, I can understand it. It's a very sad commentary over how things have become in this city in the past decade."

And so our gun-toting granny got a 1 year suspended sentence for all this hoopla.

You know if it were you or me, we'd get a good solid ten years in the nick. Gees.

So if THIS be what's going on in Dublin, I think I be quite safe up on Grafton Street. No worries here.

Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved


mobit22 said...


YEAH RIGHT! Where I live and with MY last name, I'd be UNDER the prison for life without possibility of parole!

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

And YOU think I'd fare any better? With a name like O'Sullivan I'd be looked as a gun running IRA member. YUP.

mobit22 said...


So you're safe living where you are now, and I'M NOT!

Gabriel O'Sullivan said...

Well, I live in the Live Free or Die state. In Ireland they might think I be part of a militia group and still a dangerous hombre. LMAO

Fionnula said...

too bad it wasn't Shannon airport, no trouble there lol.