02 January, 2010

Oh and one more blessed thing

1 January 2006

R. Linda:

You just don't know what it is LIKE to be me and live around here. I be about to kill meself from sheer frustration. No one can see, no one can hear, and mostly everyone seems to lose brain cells each time yours truly asks a question.

They sit there and blink at me. Like iguanas. I then think all they saw was me lips moving, so then I shout and Ton comes running in telling me to tone it down, I'll wake the child. Then the old people get confused, because they think I be angry at them and Tonya is angry at me for being angry at them! There yours truly is, trying to explain and me dumbarse cousin chimes in with one of these, "What you upset about there Gabe?"

It is enough to make me want to put me fingers in thumbscrews it would be more pleasurable than living like this.



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